

分类: 体育英语 
近几日的多哈,中国队捷报频传,狂掀一轮高过一轮的夺“金”潮。据悉,体操全能王杨威在夺得全能冠军后,多哈阿斯拜尔体育馆还放了一首温柔的中国老歌《四季歌》以示庆祝,下图为扬威登上领奖台时的精彩瞬间。 China's Yang Wei (C) celebrates on the podium after winning the gold medal in the men's individual all-around final at the Asian Games in Doha December 4, 2006. Japan's Hisashi Mizutori (L) won the silver medal and compatriot Hiroyuki Tomita won the bronze medal. 如图文字所示:在体育词汇中,“the individual all-around final”指“个人全能比赛”,“all-around”也可写作“all-round”。该短语中,“final”做名词,指“决赛”。 “All-around”做形容词时指“多方面的,多才多艺的”,如an all-around athlete/player(全能运动员/选手)。此外,日常我们所说的“全面建设小康社会”则可表达为:to turn/advance China into a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way。 值得一提的是,all-round相应的名词形式“all-rounder”就是我们常说的“多面手”,如:He is a good all-rounder who likes tennis, cricket, and swimming.(他是个体育全才,喜欢网球、板球、游泳等各式体育项目。)

