
Buying Insurance 投保

分类: 外贸英语 
666.I want to have our new project insured.


667.What kind of risks do you want covered?


668.The contract is entitled “Contract for the Construction of Heping Bridge Project”。


669. Where's  the  location  of  the  contract site?


670.The contract requires that the construction be completed within 28 months.


671.I suppose you should have both the permanent and temporary works insured.


672.We also hope to have all of our construction machinery insured as  well.


673.Please let me have the prices of all the equipment.


674.Can you also provide us with documents relating  to the site conditions?


675.You mean meteorological, geological, and subsoil conditions?


676.I'll have them prepared and sent to you.


677.Incidentally, may I first have the black application forms?


678. I'll be back in a few days.


679. May I ask you a few questions about insurance?


680.What insurance rate do you suggest we should get?


681. FPA will be good enough.


682.Are there any other clauses in marine policies?


683. Could  you give  me  a quotation  for  my consignment now?


684. What coverage will  you  take out  for  the goods I've ordered?


685.As long as you put forward this request, we can cover the Risk of Breakage for you.


Dialogue  A

(A: Miss Zhao, a secretary of the Shanghai Construction  Project Company;  B: a clerk with Insurance Company)

A: I want to have our new project insured.

B: Fine. What kind of risks do you want covered?

A: All risk insurance.

B: OK, what's the name of the project or title of the contract?

A: The contract is entitled“Contract for the Construction  of Heping Bridge Project”。

B: Could you tell me the names and addresses of the owner, contractors, subcontractors and  consulting  engineer?

A: Here is the list of their names and addresses.

B: Where's  the  location  of  the  contract  site?

A: The bridge is located in the west of the city.

B: How long are the construction and maintenance periods?

A: The contract requires that the construction be completed within 28 months, plus one year maintenance.

B: I suppose you should have both the permanent and temporary works insured.

A: Yes, we also hope to have all of our construction machinery insured as well.

B: Please let me have the prices of all the equipment.

A: Certainly. I'll give you the prices later.

B: In addition, can you also provide us with documents relating to the site conditions?

A: You mean meteorological, geological, and subsoil conditions?

B: Yes.

A: OK. I'll have them prepared and sent to you. Incidentally, may I first have the blank application forms?

B: Sure. Here they are. Please take them to your insurance broker and I think he should be able to help you with the decisions.

A: Thank you. I'll be back in a few days.

Dialogue B

(Miss Yang is discussing insurance terms with a clerk of the insurance company. )

(A: Miss Yang; B: the clerk of the Insurance Company)

A: May I ask  you  a  few  questions  about insurance?

B: Yes, please.

A: Now we've given a CIF. Shanghai price for some steel plates. What insurance rate do you suggest we should get?

B: Well, obviously you won't want All Risk coverage.

A: Why not?

B: Because  they  aren't  delicate goods  and  are not  likely to be damaged on the voyage. FPA will be good enough.

A: Then am I right in understanding that FPA does not cover partial loss of the nature of particular average?

B: That's right. On the other hand, a WPA Policy covers you against partial loss in all cases.

A: Are there any other clauses in marine policies?

B: Oh, lots of them! For example, War Risks, TPND and SRCC.

A: Well, thank you very much for all that information. Could you give me a quotation for my consignment now?

B: Are you going to make an offer today?

A: Yes, my customers  are  in  urgent need of the steel plates.

B: OK. I'll get the rate right away.

A: Thank you.

B: Sure.

Dialogue C

(Miss Huang wants to cover the goods they've ordered against the risk of breakage. )

(A: Miss Huang; B: Mr. Simpson)

A:What coverage  will you take out for the goods I've ordered?

B: Did  we  conclude  the  business on  CIF  basis?

A: Yes, CIF.

B: Then we'll only insure WPA.

A: Could you cover the Risk of Breakage for us?

B: Risk of Breakage is classified under extraneous risks. As long as you put forward this request, we can cover the Risk of Breakage  for  you.

A: Who will pay the premium for it?

B:The additional premium is for buyer's account. That's for your  account.

A: That's understood.

B: So, for this consignment, we shall cover WPA. And Risk of Breakage for 118% of the invoiced value.

Notes 注释

1.All Risk (insurance)综合险


fire insurance 火险

marine  insurance海险

life (accident) insurance 人寿(意外)险

comprehensive insurance综合险

2.consulting  engineer 咨询工程师

3.contract site 合同工程现场

4.entitle… to…命名为; 给……权利

5.plus one year maintenance 外加一年的维修期

6.relating to…与……有关

7.insurance broker保险经纪人

8.C. I. F. & CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight)运费,保险费在内价

9.delicate goods 易碎货物

10.on the voyage during transportation 在运输途中

11.F. P. A. & FPA (Free of Particular Average)平安险

12.W. P. A. & WPA (With Particular Average)水渍险

13.TPND (Theft, Pilferage and Nondelivery)偷窃提货不着险

14.SRCC (Strike, Riot and Givil Commotion)罢工暴动民变险

15.under extraneous risks 外部风险

16.That's understood. 不言而喻。

17.for 118% of the invoiced value 发票金额的 118%

Words and Expressions

project/'pr&D{ekt/                         n. 工程

insure/in'Mu+/                               v. 保险

insurance /in'Mucr+ns/                   n. 保险

contract/'k&ntr$kt/                        n. 合同

contractor/'k&ntr$kt+/                   n. 承包商

subcontractor /?s)bk+n'tr$kt+/       n. 分包商

consult /k+n's)lt/                           v. 请教;咨询

engineer/?enD{i'ni+/                      n. 工程师

site /sait/                                       n. 工地,现场

maintenance/'meintin+ns/               n. 维修

machinery/m+>Mi: n+ri/                 n. 机械

temporary /'temp+r+ri/                   a. 暂时的,临时的

meteorological /mi: ti+r+'l&d{ik+l/   a. 气象(学)的

geological /d{i'+'l&d{ik+l/                a. 地质的

subsoil /s)b's&il/                            n. 下层土,底土

incidentally /?insi'dentli/                 ad. 附带地;顺便说及地

broker/'br+uk+/                             n. 经纪人

decision /di'si{+n/                          n. 决议,决定

application /$pli'keiM+n/                 n. 申请

obviously /&b'vi+sli/                      ad. 明显地;清除地

coverage /'k)v+rid{/                       n. 保险总额;险别总称

partial/'pa: M+l/                             a. 部分的,不完全的;不公平的

marine /m+'ri: n/                            n. 海运的,海事的;船用的

consignment/k+n'sainm+nt/            n. 货物

breakage /'breikid{/                        n. 破碎;破损

extraneous /iks'treini+s/                  a. 外部的;无关的

premium /pri: mi+m/                      n. 佣金,额外费用;保险费

