
导弹相关物项和技术出口经营登记(暂行)管理办法 (Interim) Measu

分类: 法律英语 



第一条 为规范导弹相关物项和技术出口经营秩序,加强对导弹相关物项和技术出口经营的管理,根据《中华人民共和国导弹及相关物项和技术出口管制条例》,制定本办法。

第二条 凡从事导弹相关物项和技术出口的经营者(以下简称经营者),必须按照本办法规定,向对外贸易经济合作部(以下简称外经贸部)申请登记。未经登记,任何单位或者个人不得经营导弹相关物项和技术出口。

第三条 满足下列条件的经营者,可向外经贸部科技发展和技术进出口司(以下简称科技司)提出登记申请。

(一) 经外经贸部批准,获得进出口企业资格证书或外商投资企业批准证书,并已由工商行政管理部门核发营业执照;

(二) 经工商行政管理部门和外经贸主管部门年审合格;

(三) 在最近三年内未受过国家刑事处罚或因进行非法经营活动受过有关部门行政处罚;

(四) 了解所申请经营物项和技术的性能、指标和主要用途;

(五) 有负责出口和售后跟踪服务事务的部门或机构。

第四条 经营者申请登记时,应当如实填写并提交以下材料:

(一) 中华人民共和国导弹相关物项和技术出口经营资格登记申请表(见附件一);

(二) 企业法人营业执照(复印件);

(三) 进出口企业资格证书(复印件)或外商投资企业批准证书(复印件)。

第五条 外经贸部科技司在收到登记申请后10个工作日内决定是否予以登记。对予以登记的颁发《中华人民共和国导弹相关物项和技术出口经营资格登记证书》(以下简称登记证书,见附件二),并加盖"中华人民共和国出口管制专用章".


第六条 登记证书仅对被登记的经营者有效,不得伪造、涂改、转借、出租或转让。

第七条 登记证书有效期为三年。需继续从事导弹相关物项和技术出口的,经营者应在有效期满一个月之前完成换领登记证书事宜。

第八条 经营者名称变更,企业合并或分立的,经营者须及时通知外经贸部科技司并交回原登记证书。需继续从事导弹相关物项和技术出口的,应重新履行登记手续,领取新的登记证书。

第九条 登记证书毁坏、遗失的,经营者应及时通知外经贸部科技司,并书面说明情况。需继续从事导弹相关物项和技术出口的,应重新履行登记手续,领取新的登记证书。

第十条 经营者在申请相关导弹相关物项和技术出口许可证件时,须出示登记证书。

第十一条 经登记的经营者在经营导弹相关物项和技术出口时,必须严格遵守国家有关出口管制法律、法规和规章,并自觉接受外经贸部的管理。

第十二条 经营者未经登记,擅自经营导弹相关物项和技术出口的,依照《中华人民共和国导弹及相关物项和技术出口管制条例》和其他有关法律法规的规定处理。

第十三条 经营者在申请登记过程中故意隐瞒实情、提供虚假信息或以其他不正当手段骗取登记证书的,外经贸部应注销其登记证书,并可以处以警告处罚。

第十四条 经登记的经营者在经营导弹相关物项和技术出口过程中有违反国家出口管制法律、法规和规章行为的,除根据有关法律法规规定处罚外,外经贸部并可注销其登记。被注销登记后,经营者需重新履行登记手续后方可从事导弹相关物项和技术的出口。

第十五条 本办法中的复印件均指加盖有关发证机关印章的复印件。

第十六条 本办法由外经贸部负责解释。

第十七条 本办法自公布之日起生效。

(Interim) Measures on The Administration of The Business Registration for The Export of Guided Missiles And Related Items And Technologies
Decree of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People's Republic of China [2002] No.29

According to the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Controlling the Export of Guide Missiles and Related Items and Technologies, the (Interim) Measures of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Business Registration for the Export of Guided Missiles and Related Items and Technologies are hereby promulgated for taking effect as of the day of promulgation.

Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation: Shi Guangsheng
September 2, 2002

(Interim) Measures on the Administration of the Business Registration for the Export of Guided Missiles and Related Items and Technologies

Article 1 The present Measures have been formulated on the basis of the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Controlling the Export of Guided Missiles and Related Items and Technologies for the purpose of regulating the business management order for the export of guided missiles and related items and technologies and strengthening the administration of the export of guided missiles and related items and technologies.

Article 2 Any business operator who is engaged in the export guided missiles and related items and technologies (hereafter "business operators") shall file an application to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (hereafter "MOFTEC") for registration according to the provisions of the present Measures. No entity or individual may, without being registered, be engaged in the export of guided missiles and related items and technologies.

Article 3 Any business operator that has met the conditions as listed below may file an application to the Department of Scientific and Technologic Development and Technologic Export (hereafter "Department of Technology") of the MOFTEC for registration.

a. Having obtained the approval of the MOFTEC and a qualifications certificate as an import and export enterprise or a certificate of approval as an enterprise with foreign investment, and having obtained the business license issued by the administrative department of commerce and industry;

b. Having passed the annual inspections of the administrative department of industry and commerce and the administrative department of foreign trade and economic cooperation;

c. Having no record of criminal punishment imposed by the state or administrative punishment imposed by relevant departments for illegal business activities during the recent three years;

d. Having knowledge of the performances, indicators and major purposes of use of the items and technologies under request;

e. Having a department or organ to be responsible for export and after-sales services.

Article 4 When applying for registration, the business operator shall fill in the application form true to the fact and submit the following materials:

a. Application Form of the Registration for the Export Business Qulifications of Guided Missiles and Related Items and Technologies of the People''s Republic of China (see Attachment I);

b. Business License of the Legal Person of an Enterprise (in photocopy);

c. Qualifications Certificate of the Import and Export Enterprise (in photocopy) or Approval Certificate of Enterprises with Foreign Investment (in photocopy).

Article 5 The Department of Technology of the MOFTEC shall, within 10 workdays after receiving the registration application, decide whether it shall be registered or not. If the application is registered, a Registration Certificate for the Export Business Qulifications of Guided Missiles and Related Items and Technologies of the People''s Republic of China (hereafter "Registration Certificate", see Attachment II), on which the cachet "Special Cachet of the People''s Republic of China for Export Control" shall be affixed.

If the materials submitted by the business operator are not complete and supplements needed to be made, the limit of workdays for registration shall be calculated as of the day when the materials are made complete.

Article 6 The Registration Certificate shall be valid to the registered business operators only, and it may not be forged, altered, lent, leased or transferred.

Article 7 The Registration Certificate shall be valid for three years. If the business operator needs to continue to engage in the export of guided missiles and related items and technologies, it shall have completed the change of Registration Certificates one month prior to the expiration of the Registration Certificate.

Article 8 Where a business operator changes its name or an enterprise is merged or split, it shall inform the Department of Technology of the MOFTEC in good time and return the original Registration Certificate. If it needs to continue to engage in the export of Guided Missiles and Related Items and Technologies, it shall go through the registration formalities anew and obtain a new Registration Certificate.

Article 9 Where the Registration Certificate is damaged or lost, the business operator shall inform the Department of Technology of the MOFTEC in good time and give a written explanation. If it needs to continue to engage in the export of guided missiles and related items and technologies, it shall go through registration formalities anew and obtain a new Registration Certificate.

Article 10 When applying for certificates of approval for exporting guided missiles and related items and technologies, the business operator shall present its Registration Certificate.

Article 11 In the export of guided missiles and related items and technologies, the registered business operator must rigidly abide by the relevant laws, regulations and ministerial rules of the state concerning export control, and shall voluntarily accept the administration of the MOFTEC.

Article 12 Any business operator who is unlawfully engaged in the export of guided missiles and related items and technologies without being registered shall be dealt with according to the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Controlling the Export of Guided Missiles and Related Items and Technologies as well as other relevant laws and regulations.

Article 13 If any business operator who intentionally conceals true facts or submits false information in the process of applying for registration or obtains its Registration Certificate by other unfair means, the MOFTEC shall write off the Registration Certificate thereof and impose a punishment of warning upon it.

Article 14 If any registered business operator violates any of the laws, regulations or ministerial rules of the state concerning export control in the process of exporting guided missiles and related items and technologies, it may be punished according to relevant statutory provisions and, at the same time, the MOFTEC may write off the registration thereof. After the registration is written off, the business operator may not engage in the export of guided missiles and related items and technologies until it has gone through the formalities of registration anew.

Article 15 The word "photocopy" as mentioned in the present Measures refers to the photocopy of the certificates to which the cachet of the issuing authorities has been affixed.

Article 16 The power to interpret the present Measures shall remain with the MOFTEC.

Article 17 The present Measures shall enter into force as of the day of promulgation.

