

分类: 法律英语 


(Promulgated by the Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of Customs, State Administration of Taxation and State Administration of Foreign Exchange on 17 November 2003 and effective 30 days from the date of promulgation.)

颁布日期:20031117  实施日期:20031217  颁布单位:商务部、 海关总署、 国家税务总局、 国家外汇管理局

Article 1 These Procedures have been formulated in accordance with the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China concerning the administration of foreign investment and foreign trade in order to further promote the development of foreign trade, to further open up to the outside world and to attract foreign investment. Foreign investors that establish foreign-invested export procurement centres in China shall comply with these Procedures.

Article 2 For the purposes of these Procedures, the term “foreign-invested export procurement centre” means a foreign-invested enterprise established in China by foreign investors on a wholly-owned basis or in the form of equity joint venture with Chinese investors to engage in export procurement business. Foreign-invested export procurement centres shall take the form of a limited liability company.

Article 3 Foreign investors that apply to establish a foreign-invested export procurement centre shall own a multinational marketing network and have the capacity for export procurement.

If a foreign-invested export procurement centre is established in the form of equity joint venture, the Chinese investor shall have a good credit rating and the economic strength necessary for establishing a procurement centre.

Article 4 The registered capital of a foreign-invested export procurement centre shall be not less than Rmb 30 million. The capital contributions of the Chinese and foreign investors shall comply with the relevant existing provisions.

Article 5 A foreign investor may use a company with an investment nature it establishes in China to invest in and establish an export procurement centre.

Article 6 To establish a foreign-invested export procurement centre, the following documents shall be submitted to the Ministry of Commerce for approval after the authority in charge of commerce of the province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government or city with independent development plans in which the proposed foreign-invested export procurement centre is to be located has given its consent in the preliminary examination:

1. an application;

2. (photocopies of) the registration document, (photocopies of) the document identifying the legal representative, and the document in support of the creditworthiness of each of the investors;

3. a feasibility study report and the articles of association (in the case of an equity joint venture export procurement centre, the equity joint venture contract of the enterprise);

4. a list of the members of the board of directors and their résumés; and

5. the notice of preliminary approval of the enterprise name issued by the administration for industry and commerce.

Upon receipt of all application documents, the Ministry of Commerce shall, within 30 working days, give its reply in writing on whether or not to approve the application.

Article 7 A foreign-invested export procurement centre may engage in the following businesses:

1. procurement of domestic goods for export business, and export-related warehousing, information consultancy and technical services;

2. import of raw and auxiliary materials that are to be re-exported after processing by other enterprises upon commission; and

3. import of samples required for procurement for export. The quantity and value of imported samples shall comply with the relevant regulations of customs concerning import of samples.

Article 8 During the procurement of export commodities that are subject to State-imposed quotas and licence control, application shall be made and the quota or licence shall be obtained in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State. In the case of commodities that are subject to State-imposed invitation to tender for quotas, participation in the tendering in accordance with the relevant provisions on invitation to tender for export commodities is required prior to the procurement for export.

Article 9 When a foreign-invested export procurement centre opens foreign exchange accounts and handles revenue and expenditure in foreign exchange, it shall comply with the existing provisions on foreign exchange control.

Article 10 Foreign-invested export procurement centres established outside bonded zones shall handle tax refund by reference to the relevant provisions on export of domestic products by foreign companies with an investment nature. Foreign-invested export procurement centres established inside bonded zones shall handle tax refund in accordance with the existing provisions on tax refund for export products of enterprises in bonded zones.

Article 11 The import, commissioning of processing and re-export business of foreign-invested export procurement centres shall be carried out by reference to the relevant provisions on foreign trading equity joint ventures engaging in the same type of business. All products must be exported and may not be sold domestically in general. If, in special circumstances, the products may not be exported and they have to be sold domestically, procedures for transfer to domestic sale shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions on processing trade. The matter shall be submitted to the local commerce department at the provincial level for approval, and an approval document for domestic sale shall be issued. The matter shall be reported to the Ministry of Commerce for record filing at the same time. Where it involves an import licensing document, an import licensing document shall be obtained in accordance with provisions. Where it is necessary to report the matter to the Ministry of Commerce for examination, verification and approval, the matter shall be handled in accordance with the existing provisions.

Customs shall carry out the procedures for making up the deficiency in tax for domestic sale and the inspection and release procedures for the aforementioned products for domestic sale on the basis of the corresponding approval document for domestic sale and the valid import licencing document.

Article 12 Unless otherwise provided for, establishment of export procurement centres by investors from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan in other regions of China shall, mutatis mutandis, be handled in accordance with these Procedures.

Article 13 The Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs, the State Administration of Taxation and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange are in charge of the interpretation of these Procedures.

Article 14 These Procedures shall be implemented 30 days from the date of promulgation.

