
英文法律词典 M-100

分类: 法律英语 

Rights never die.

Reus laesae majestatis punitur, ut pereat unus ne pereant omnes. A traitor is punished, that by the death of one, all may not perish. 4 Co. 124.

Sacramentum habet in se tres comites, varitatem, justitiam et judicium; veritas habenda est in jurato; justitia et justicium in judice. An oath has in it three component parts - truth, justice and judgment; truth in the party swearing; justice and judgment in the judge administering the oath. 3 Co. Inst. 160.

Sacramentum si fatuum fuerit, licet falsum, tamen non committit perjurium. A foolish oath, though false, makes not perjury. 2 Co. Inst. 167.

Saepe viatorim nova non vetus orbita fallit. Often ti is the new road, not the old one, which deceives the traveller. 4 Co. Inst. 34.

Saepenumero uvb proprietas verboem attenditur, sensus veritatis amittitur. Frequently where the propriety of words is attended to, the meaning of truth is lost. 7 Co. 27.

Salus populi est suprema lex. The safety of the people is the supreme law. Bacon's Max. in Reg. 12; Broom's Max. 1.

Salus ube multi consiliarii. In many counsellors there is safety. 4 Co. Inst. 1.

Sapiens incipit a fine, et quod primum est in intentione, ultimum est in executione. A wise man begins with the last, and what is first in intention is last in execution. 10 Co. 25.

Sapiens omnia agit cum consilio. A wise man does everything advisedly. 4 Co. Inst. 4.

Sapientia legis nummario pretio non est aestemanda. The wisdom of law cannot be valued by money.

Sapientis judicis est cogitare tantum sibi esse permissum, quantum commissum et creditum. A wise man should consdier as much what he premises as what he commits and believes. 4 Co. Inst. 193.

Satisfaction should be made to thatfund which has sustained the loss. 4 Bouv. Inst. n. 3731.

