英文法律词典 M-99
Rerum suarum quilibet est moderator et arbiter. Every one is the manager and disposer of his own. Co. Litt. 233.
Res denominator a principaliori parte. A thing is named from its principal part. 5 Co. 47.
Res est misera ubi jus est vagam et invertum. It is a miserable state of tings where the law is vague and uncertain. 2 Salk. 512.
Res, generalem habet significationem, quia tam corporea, quam incorporea, cujuscunque sunt generis, naturae sive speciei, comprehendit. The word things has a general significaiton, which comprehends corporeal and incorporeal objects, of whatever nature, sort or specie. 3 Co. Inst. 482; 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 415.
Res inter alios acta alteri nocere non debet. Things done between strangers ought not to injure those who are not parties to them. Co. Litt. 152.
Res judicata pro veritate accipitur. A thing adjudged must be taken for truth. Co. Litt. 103; Dig. 50, 17, 207. See Res judicata.
Res judicata facit ex albo nigrum, ex nigro album, ex curvo rectum, ex recto curvum. A thing adjudged makes what was white, black; what was black, white; what was crooked straight; what was straight, crooked. 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 840.
Res per pecuniam aestimatur, et non pecunia per res. The value of a thing is estimated by its worth in money, and the value of money is not estimated by reference to one thing. 9 Co. 76; 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 922.
Res perit domino suo. The destruction of the thing is the loss of its owner. 2 Bouv. Inst. n. 1456, 1466.
Reservatio non debet esse de proficuis ipsis quia ea conceduntur, sed de redditu nova extra proficua. A reservation ought not to be ofthe profits themselves, because they are granted, but from the new rent out of the profits. Co. Litt. 142.
Resignatio est juris porprii spontanea refutatio. Resignation is the spontaneous relinquishment of one's own right. Godb. 284.
Respondeat superior. Let the principal answer. 4 Co. Inst. 114; 2 Bouv. Inst. n. 1337; 4 Bouv. Inst. n. 3586.
Responsio unius non omnino auditur. The answer of one witness shall not be heard at all. 1 Greenl. Ev. §260. This is a maxim of the civil law, where everything must be proved by two witnesses.