
英文法律词典 M-101

分类: 法律英语 

Satius est petere fontes quam sectari rivulos. It is better to search the fountain than to cut rivulets. 10 Co. 118. It is better to drink at the fountain than to sip in the streams.

Scientia sciolorum est mixta ignorantia. The knowledge of smatterers is mixed ignorance. 8 Co. 159.

Scientia et volunti non fit injuria. A wrong is not done to one who knows and wills it.

Scientia utrimque per pares contrahentes facit. Equal knowledge on both sides makes the contracting parties equal.

Scire leges, non hoc est verba eorum tenere, sed vim et potestatem. To know the laws, is not to observe their mere words, but their force and power. Dig. 1, 3, 17.

Scire proprie est, rem ratione et per causam cognoscere. To know properly is to know the reason and cause of a thing. Co. Litt. 183.

Scire debes cum quo contrahis. You ought to know with whom you deal.

Scribere est agere. To write is to act. 2 Roll. R. 89.

Scriptae obligationes scriptis tolluntur, et nude consensus obligatio, contrario consensu dissolvitur. Written obligations are dissolved by writing, and obligations of naked assent by similar naked assent.

Secundum naturam est, commoda cujusque rei eum sequi, quem sequentur incommoda. It is natural that he who bears the charge of a thing, should receive the profits. Dig. 50, 17, 10.

Securius expediuntur negotia commissa pluribus, et plus vident oculi quam oculus. Business entrusted to several sppeds best, and several eyes see more than one eye. 4 Co. 46.

Semel malus semper praesumitur esse malus in eodem genere. Whatever is once bad, is presumed to be so always in the same degree. Cro. Car. 317.

Semper ita fiat relatio ut valeat dispositio. Let the reference always be so made that the disposition may avail. 6 Co. 76.

Semper necessitas probandi incumbit qui agit. The claimant is always bound to prove: the burden of proof lies on him.

