

  • 看书还是看电影 Reading a Book Or Watch a Movie

    As movies are prevailing, more and moreliterature works are adapted to movies. Most people will choose to watch amovie to get the knowledge a story or...

  • 用正确的方式关爱孩子Care for Children in a Right Way

    Recently, Hunan TV stationplayvarietiesshow Dad where we go” and the show has caused great sensation from public.Many netizens think children&rs...

  • 记英语日记

    Keeping a diary in English isan effective way to improve our level of English.It can practice our way to think in English; it provides a chancefor us ...

  • 应要求学生住宿 Students should be required to live in school dormitory

    Forsome time now, some students have been arguing that they are old enough not tolive in the school dormitory. Given student’s safety, I do beli...

  • 找工作和创业哪个好? It is Better to Find a Job or run a Business?

    In the new century, with the emergence oftalent and less opportunity of social jobs, many college students face greatemployment pressure. At the same ...

  • 工作和地理位置 Jobs and Geography

    For many students, university graduation is a turning point, they have to prepare to enter the workforce. Students not only consider what kind of job ...

  • 假如我是小孩 If I Were a Child Again

    I 'm a little upset these days, because I'm always alone after work. I find nobody can accompany with me. I always feel lonely. What I can do ...

  • 论孩子们对电脑游戏上瘾On Children’s Addicting to Computer Games

    As computers are available in our dailylife, an increasing number of children are playing computer games quite often.This phenomenon has absolutely ca...

  • 团队合作的重要性 The Importance of Teamwork

    It is widely accepted that to workindependently has the obvious advantage that it can prove one’s ability. However,I believe that teamwork is mo...

  • 雄心壮志 Ambition

    Ambition is a strong desire topropel one to final success in career or other meaningful endeavors.Just like Epstein has artistically put it,And as we ...

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