

  • 论暴力电影 On Violent Movies

    As more and more movies go into our life,people worry that movies especially the violent movies will have a bad impacton people. Some think that audie...

  • 大学艺术节之我见My Idea of a University Arts Festival

    There is no doubt that the arts festivalenriches our college life an extracurricular activity. However, when it comesto what should be included in the...

  • 大城市存在的问题The Problems That Big Cities Exist

    Every year, tens of thousands people crowd into the big cities to seek a decent living, a better job, a faster and more exciting life style. Take Beij...

  • 虎妈式教育还是羊妈式教育?Tiger Mother or Sheep Mother?

    Inrecent years, Tiger mother” has been a hot topic in our life. Tiger mother”is a very strict mother who makes her children work particula...

  • 竭尽全力 Just Try Your Best

    Recently, some of my classmates areconfused and disappointed because they found that their gain is not equal totheir pain. Concerning this problem, wh...

  • 行善需谨慎 Be careful of being Nice

    Parents always teach us to help the others whoare needed, it’s a good way to show our kindness and when we are helping otherswe feel good about ...

  • 怎样处理生活中的压力?How to Handle Stress in life?

    We are nowlive in the world where the fittest will survive. So it seems unlikely that wecan avoid the stress form this competitive society. And stress...

  • 天体浴之我见 My Views on Celestial Body Bath

    Celestial body bath is a behavior that people lying naked on the beach enjoying the sunshine, in some place in the foreign, celestial body bath has be...

  • 参加集体运动对学生有益 Playing Team Sports Is Good for Students

    Whenit comes to team sports in university will help students be successful in life,there is no completely agreement, some people advocate that team sp...

  • 暑期待在家中还是外出旅游 Staying At Home or Going Out For Travelling

    The summer holiday is coming. Thediscussion about what to do during the holiday is right on their way amongstudents.暑假就要到了。关于暑假做什么的讨论正在学生中进行。Some stud...

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