

  • 择友 Choosing Friends

    Friends are very important part of our life, we will make friends in different stage of our lives, one can’t live without friends. Though everyo...

  • 人生如登山Life is like Climbing Mountains

    When a baby opens her eyes, the first glowof sunlight shines upon her face, and her life begins with a cry.当婴儿睁开眼睛,阳光照在她脸上的第一道光的时候,她的生命在哭泣中开始了。At firs...

  • 玩电脑游戏的利弊The Advantage and Disadvantage of Playing Computer Games

    When referring to computer games, mostadults always do not very happy. As there are so many examples that teenagershave lost themselves in front of co...

  • 大学生该出去兼职吗?Should University Students do Part-time Jobs?

    In today’sjob hunting market, many companies tend to hire students who have jobexperiences. It seems that working experience seems to be an indi...

  • 保护环境 Protect the Environment

    Stepping into the new century, environment pollution has become more serious than ever since. There are different kinds of pollution. Such as, water p...

  • 大学生兼职 Doing a Part-time Job in College

    Mostcollege students tend to do a part-time job, because they want to make theircollege life colorful and interesting.大多数大学生都想做兼职,因为他们想让自己的大学生活更加的丰富多彩...

  • 怎么选择专业 How to Choose Major

    For most collegians, theychoose major simply out of they pick it randomly, not because they like it.Consequently, most students tend to not attend the...

  • 论手机 On Cell Phones

    As cell phone is inexpensive and almost allpeople can afford it, most people tend to depend on cell phones a lot. Wheneveryou see people around whethe...

  • 高校该收取更高的学费吗?Should Universities Charge Higher Tuition Fees?

    Greatchanges have taken place since the reform and opening policy, especially therapid growth of economy. The average of Chinese salaries has been ris...

  • 我对集体运动的看法My View on Playing Team Sports

    Nowadays, P.E classes have become indispensable in students’ lives. It’s popular for students to play team sports. Some people say playing...

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