

  • 如何减肥How to Fight Against Obesity

    There is no doubt that obesity has become adisturbing problem which is considered as harmful to our health. However, whenit comes to the ways to fight...

  • 学生是否应该在饭店举行生日派对? Should We Students Hold Birthday Party In The Restaurant?

    It is quite common among our generationto hold a party to celebrate our birthday in the restaurant.However, should we advocate that students invite ou...

  • 是否应该禁止燃放烟花炮竹 Should Fireworks and Crackers be banned?

    For recent years, most cities in China arenot allowed to light fireworks and crackers during New Year. Some people thinkthis is good for them to get a...

  • 跳槽的坏处 The Perils of Job-hopping

    Most people change jobs several times in their careers, especially the young people, they keep switching companies, we call it job-hopping. For young ...

  • 社会道德不应“过时” Social Morality Should Not Be Out of Date

    Chinahas long been known as the land ofceremony and propriety.” Today, however, people often complain that publicmorals are no longer what they ...

  • 住在宿舍还是校园外?Living in the Dormitory or Outside the Campus

    It is well-known that life in the collegeis freer than any other school life. College students can make choice by themselves.When it comes to the acco...

  • 从错误中学习Learn From Mistakes

    As Goethe says, man errs so long as hestrives”, no one can avoid making mistakes. Therefore, what we need to do is torecognize and revise our mi...

  • 校服是否应该取消? Should the School Uniform be Canceled?

    Nowadays, there is a general discussionabout the issue of canceling the school uniform or not. Different people hold differentviews on this problem. S...

  • 关于自学Self-education

    When finishing the high school course, not every student has the chance or ability to go to college. Some students choose to seek a job, start their o...

  • 中国的地震发生得比以往多了?More Earthquakes Happened in China Than Before?

    In recent years, Chinese people think thatthere are so many disasters happened in China, especially the earthquake. Thenewspapers is flooded with the ...

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