Chapter 89Everything suffered. Everything became sun-bleached and weather-beaten. The lifeboat, the raft until it was lost, the tarpaulin, the stills,...
Chapter 88One day we came upon trash. First the water glistened with patches of oil. Coming up soon after was the domestic and industrial waste: mainl...
Chapter 87One of my favourite methods of escape was what amounts to gentle asphyxiation. I used a piece of cloth that I cut from the remnants of a bla...
Chapter 86"Richard Parker, a ship!"I had the pleasure of shouting that once. I was overwhelmed with happiness. All hurt and frustration fell...
Chapter 85Once there was lightning. The sky was so black, day looked like night. The downpour was heavy. I heard thunder far away. I thought it would ...
Chapter 84I was on the tarpaulin, wrapped in a blanket, sleeping and dreaming and awakening and daydreaming and generally passing the time. There was ...
Chapter 83The storm came on slowly one afternoon. The clouds looked as if they were stumbling along before the wind, frightened. The sea took its cue....
Chapter 82I kept rainwater and the water I collected from the solar stills in the locker, out of Richard Parker's sight, in the three 50-litre pla...
Chapter 81I know my survival is hard to believe. When I think back, I can hardly believe it myself.My crude exploitation of Richard Parker's weak ...
Chapter 80Of all the dorados, I remember one in particular, a special dorado. It was early morning on a cloudy day, and we were in the midst of a stor...