

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第二十九章 摩莱尔父

    ANY ONE WHO had quitted Marseilles a few years previously, well acquainted with the interior of Morrel's warehouse, and had returned at this date,...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第三十章 九月五日

    THE EXTENSION provided for by the agent of Thomson & French, at the moment when Morrel expected it least, was to the poor shipowner so decided a s...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第三十一章 意大利:

    TOWARDS THE BEGINNING of the year 1838, two young men belonging to the first society of Paris, the Vicomte Albert de Morcerf and the Baron Franz d'...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第三十二章 醒来

    WHEN FRANZ returned to himself, he seemed still to be in a dream. He thought himself in a sepulchre, into which a ray of sunlight in pity scarcely pen...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第三十三章 罗马强盗

    THE NEXT MORNING Franz woke first, and instantly rang the bell. The sound had not yet died away when Signor Pastrini himself entered. "Well, exce...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第三十四章 显身

    FRANZ HAD so managed his route, that during the ride to the Colosseum they passed not a single ancient ruin, so that no preliminary impression interfe...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第三十五章 锤刑

    "GENTLEMEN," said the Count of Monte Cristo as he entered, "I pray you excuse me for suffering my visit to be anticipated; but I feared...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第三十六章 狂欢节在

    WHEN FRANZ recovered his senses, he saw Albert drinking a glass of water, of which, to judge from his pallor, he stood in great need; and the count, w...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第三十七章 圣·塞巴

    IN HIS whole life, perhaps, Franz had never before experienced so sudden an impression, so rapid a transition from gayety to sadness, as in this momen...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第三十八章 约会

    THE FIRST WORDS that Albert uttered to his friend, on the following morning, contained a request that Franz would accompany him on a visit to the coun...

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