Sherlock Holmes sat silent for some few minutes, with his browsknitted and his eyes fixed upon the fire."Do you receive much company?" he as...
"Holmes," said I as I stood one morning in our bow-window lookingdown the street, "here is a madman coming along. It seems rathersad th...
Dr Livesey went to London,to find another doctor to look after his patients while he was away.李甫西大夫去伦敦了,他去找人在他不在期间为他照看他的病人。I waited at his home with T...
At the sight of these newcomers our client had sprung from hisseat and stood very erect, with his eyes cast down and his handthrust into the breast of...
He had hardly shut the door behind him when Holmes rose to put onhis overcoat. "There is something in what the fellow says aboutoutdoor work,&quo...
"Eh? What was that?""I say that I have solved it.""Where, then, is my wife?""That is a detail which I shall speedil...
"Such as they are, they are set forth in a single article of amorning paper of yesterday, which I will read to you. It isheaded, 'Singular Oc...
"'MY DEAR MR. SHERLOCK HOLMES:--"Lord Backwater tells me that Imay place implicit reliance upon your judgment and discretion. Ihave dete...
The Lord St. Simon marriage, and its curious termination, havelong ceased to be a subject of interest in those exalted circlesin which the unfortunate...
On the floor close to the captains hand was a little round piece of paper, blackened on one side.老船长手边的地上有一小片圆的硬纸,一面涂着黑色。I had no doubt that this was ...