The Traveler and His Dog旅行者和他的狗A TRAVELER about to set out on a journey saw his Dog stand at the door stretching himself. He asked him sharply: "...
This is a story from Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio. Old man Gan had two sons. He died when the second was only five. After his death, the parrot h...
一口废井里住着一只青蛙。有一天,青蛙在井边碰上了一只从海里来的大龟。 青蛙就对海龟夸口说: 你看,我住在这里多快乐!有时高兴了,就在井栏边跳跃一阵;疲倦了,就回到井 里,睡在砖洞边一回。或者只留出头和嘴巴,安安静静地把全身泡在水里:或者在软绵绵的 泥浆里散一回步,也很舒适。看看那些虾和蝌虾,谁也此不...
越国苎罗(今浙江诸暨南)有位姓施的美女,因为家住若耶溪西岸,所以村里人叫她西施。若耶溪东岸也有位姓施的姑娘。她长得很丑,村里人管她叫东施。 有一天,西施心口疼,走路的时候双手捂住胸部,并且皱着眉头。村里人见她这个模样,都同情地说:瞧这姑娘的模样,准是疼得难受,真是可怜!” 西施的病态正好...
Ajax was a man of giant stature,daring but slow.When the Trojan War was about to break out he led his forces from Salamis to join the Greek army at Au...
这个成语出自《韩非子·难一》。 古时候,矛和盾都是作战用的武器。矛用来刺杀敌人,盾则用来保护身体,以免被对方的矛刺中。 传说很久以前,楚国有个卖兵器的人,在市场上卖矛和盾。为了让人家愿意买他的货,他先举起盾向人们夸口道:你们看,我的盾是世上最坚固的盾,任何锋利的东西都不能刺穿它。&rd...
云罗公主 This is an episode from the novel Strange Tales from Make-Do Strdio. An Daye turned out to be out-standingly clever while he was very young. He w...
Leaping out of the Eight Trigrams FurnaceThe Great Sage caused havoc in Heaven and the Jade Emperor ordered Heavenly soldiers and generals to punish h...
Once a fox invited a stork to dinner. He put nothing on the table except some soup in a very shallow dish.The fox could easily lap up the soup, but th...
Making Havoc in HeavenThough Monkey was versatile and boasted supernatural powers, Great Sage Sun as he was called, was fooled into coming up to heave...