Once upon a time...In the very middle of the middle of a large kingdom, there was a town, and in the town a palace, and in the palace a king. This kin...
Once upon a time...Long, long ago, a king and queen reigned over a large and powerful country. What their names were nobody knows, but their son was c...
Once upon a time...There lived a poor man who had more children than bread to feed them with. However, they were strong and willing, and soon learned ...
Once upon a time...There lived a king and a queen who had one son. The king loved the boy very much, but the queen, who was a wicked woman, hated the ...
Once upon a time...In a very hot country, a man lived with his wife in a little hut, which was surrounded by grass and flowers. They were perfectly ha...
Once upon a time...There lived a stone-cutter, who went every day to a great rock in the side of a big mountain and cut out slabs for gravestones or f...
Once upon a time...In a little town that lay in the midst of high hills and wild forests, a party of shepherds sat one night in the kitchen of the inn...
Once upon a time...There lived a man who had only one son, a lazy, stupid boy, who would never do anything he was told. When the father was dying, he ...
ONE summer's morning a little tailor2 was sitting on his table by the window; he was in good spirits, and sewed with all his might. Then came a pe...
ONCE there was a gentleman1 who married, for his second wife, the proudest and most haughty woman that was ever seen. She had, by a former husband, tw...