A Man came into a Wood one day with an axe in his hand, andbegged all the Trees to give him a small branch which he wantedfor a particular purpose. Th...
A Man had lost his way in a wood one bitter winter's night.As he was roaming about, a Satyr came up to him, and finding thathe had lost his way, p...
In the old days, when men were allowed to have many wives, amiddle-aged Man had one wife that was old and one that was young;each loved him very much,...
A MAN had a Wife who made herself hated by all the members of hishousehold. Wishing to find out if she had the same effect on thepersons in her father...
A MIDDLE-AGED MAN, whose hair had begun to turn gray, courted twowomen at the same time. One of them was young, and the otherwell advanced in years. T...
A MAN who had been bitten by a Dog went about in quest of someonewho might heal him. A friend, meeting him and learning what hewanted, said, "If ...
A funny old lion, who had the misfortune to lose his mane, waswearing a wig as he was taking a stroll on a very windy day. Looking up, he spied one of...
THE SHE-GOATS having obtained a beard by request to Jupiter, The He-Goats were sorely displeased and made complaint that the females equaled them in d...
A Serpent in the course of its wanderings came into anarmourer's shop. As he glided over the floor he felt his skinpricked by a file lying there. ...
An Eagle swooped down upon a Serpent and seized it in his talonswith the intention of carrying it off and devouring it. But theSerpent was too quick f...