

  • The Pomegranate, Apple-Tree, and Bramble

    THE POMEGRANATE and Apple-Tree disputed as to which was the mostbeautiful. When their strife was at its height, a Bramble fromthe neighboring hedge li...

  • The Piglet, the Sheep, and the Goat

    A YOUNG PIG was shut up in a fold-yard with a Goat and a Sheep. On one occasion when the shepherd laid hold of him, he gruntedand squeaked and resiste...

  • The Philosopher, the Ants, and Mercury

    A PHILOSOPHER witnessed from the shore the shipwreck of a vessel,of which the crew and passengers were all drowned. He inveighedagainst the injustice ...

  • The Peasant and the Eagle

    A PEASANT found an Eagle captured in a trap, and much admiringthe bird, set him free. The Eagle did not prove ungrateful tohis deliverer, for seeing t...

  • The Peasant and the Apple-Tree

    A PEASANT had in his garden an Apple-Tree which bore no fruit butonly served as a harbor for the sparrows and grasshoppers. Heresolved to cut it down,...

  • The Peacock and the Crane

    A PEACOCK spreading its gorgeous tail mocked a Crane that passedby, ridiculing the ashen hue of its plumage and saying, "I amrobed, like a king, ...

  • The Peacock and Juno

    A Peacock once placed a petition before Juno desiring to havethe voice of a nightingale in addition to his other attractions;but Juno refused his requ...

  • The Partridge and the Fowler

    A FOWLER caught a Partridge and was about to kill it. ThePartridge earnestly begged him to spare his life, saying, "Pray,master, permit me to liv...

  • 英语小故事第339期:Honoring G.W. Bush

    音频下载[点击右键另存为]A group in San Francisco is honoring” former President G.W. Bush by proposing to name a new wastewater treatment plant after him.We...

  • 英语小故事第338期:The Marathon Cheater

    音频下载[点击右键另存为]The 2007 Berlin marathon for males over 55 was unusual in that the winner cheated. Hank” skipped two checkpoints during the race. T...

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