
The Graduate 《毕业生》(精讲之五)

分类: 英美文化 


The Graduate 《毕业生》(精讲之五)Mrs. Robinson: Hello, Benjamin.

Ben: Oh. Hello.

Mrs. Robinson: May I sit down?

Ben: Of course.

Mrs. Robinson: Thank you. How are you?

Ben: Very well. Thank you.

Mrs. Robinson: May I have a drink?

Ben: A drink? Of course. He didn't see me.

Mrs. Robinson: Waiter! I will have a martini.

Waiter: Yes, madam.

Mrs. Robinson: You don't have to be so nervous, you know.

Ben: Nervous. Nervous? Well, I am a bit nervous. I mean it's - it's pretty hard to be suave when you're -

Mrs. Robinson: Did you get us a room?

Ben: What?

Mrs. Robinson: Have you gotten us a room yet?

Ben: I haven't. No.

Mrs. Robinson: Do you want to?

Ben: Well - I don't. I mean I could. Or we could just talk.

Mrs. Robinson: Do you want me to get it?

Ben: You? Oh no. No. I'll get it.

Mrs. Robinson: Do you want to get it now?

Ben: Now?

Mrs. Robinson: Yes.

Ben: Well - I don't know.

Mrs. Robinson: Why don't you get it.

Ben: Why don't I get it? Well - I will then. If you'll excuse me.

Ben: Excuse me.

Room clerk: Yes sir?

Ben: A room. I'd like a room, please.

Room clerk: A single room or a double room?

Ben: A single. Just for myself, please.

Room clerk: Will you sign the register, please?

Room clerk: Is anything wrong, sir?

Ben: What? No. Nothing.

Room clerk: (taking a key from behind the counter) Do you have any luggage, Mister - (looks at registration card) Gladstone?

Ben: Luggage? Yes. Yes. I do.

Room clerk: Where is it?

Ben: What?

Room clerk: Where is your luggage?

Ben: Well it's in the car. It's out in the car.

Room clerk: Very good, sir. I'll have a porter bring it in.

Ben: Oh no.

Room clerk: Sir?

Ben: I mean I'd - I'd rather not go to the trouble of bringing it all in. I just have a toothbrush. I can get it myself. If that's all right.

Room clerk: Of course.

Room clerk: I'll have a porter show you the room.

Ben: Oh. Well actually, I'd just as soon find it myself. I just have the toothbrush to carry up and I think I can manage it myself.

Room clerk: Whatever you say, sir.

Ben: Thank you.

Waiter: Mrs. Robinson.

Mrs. Robinson: Yes? Thank you. Hello.

Ben: Mrs. Robinson?

Mrs. Robinson: Yes?

Ben: It's Benjamin.

Mrs. Robinson: Yes?

Ben: Benjamin Braddock.

Mrs. Robinson: Benjamin -- where are you?

Ben: Can you look through the glass? Can you see me now?

Mrs. Robinson: Yes, I can.

Ben: I got a single room.

Mrs. Robinson: That's fine.

Ben: But there's one thing. The desk clerk seemed to be a little bit suspicious. I mean - I don't know what their policy is - but -

Mrs. Robinson: Well - do you want to go up first?

Ben: Yes - I think that would be good.

Mrs. Robinson: I'll be up in five minutes.

Ben: Well - goodbye then -

Mrs. Robinson: Benjamin.

Ben: Yes?

Mrs. Robinson: Isn't there something you want to tell me?

Ben: To tell you?

Mrs. Robinson: Yes.

Ben: Well - I want you to know how much I appreciate this - really -

Mrs. Robinson: The number.

Ben: What?

Mrs. Robinson: The room number, Benjamin. I think you ought to tell me that.

Ben: Oh? You're absolutely right. Absolutely. It's 512.

Mrs. Robinson: Thank you.

Ben: You're welcome. Well - I'll see you later, Mrs. Robinson.


1. It's pretty hard to be suave.

2. Porter


3. I'd rather not go to the trouble of bringing it all in.

I'd rather 相当于I would prefer… 例如:我不想去参加那个会。I'd rather not attend that meeting.

4. I'd just as soon find it myself.

just as soon相当于to prefer,例如:我想自己去游泳。I'd just as soon go to swim by myself.

5. Whatever you say, sir.
这是个省略句,完整的句子应该是Whatever you prefer is OK with me. 随您的便。/您说怎样就怎样。


Room clerk / hotel receptionist

The Graduate 《毕业生》(精讲之五)酒店业在国外非常发达。旅馆,酒店的前台接待员hotel receptionists都训练有素。影片中的Room clerk也是一种接待员。他们还有不同级别,如shift leader or supervisor, head receptionist。

A receptionist is the first person that hotel guests see or talk to when they arrive or ring to make a booking. A hotel receptionist therefore has an important job of making people feel welcome (让人有宾至如归的感觉), being efficient and dealing professionally with enquiries(问询). In this work the tasks are likely to include welcoming guests as they arrive, allocating them a room and handing out keys to guests or porters,taking and passing on messages. He will probably also have to put together the guest's bill, take payment and help guests with any special requests. A receptionist sometimes order taxis for guests and book excursions on request (为客人安排出行), for example theatre or sightseeing trips.

A hotel receptionist needs to be welcoming, friendly and helpful, efficient and professional, well-organized and able to handle several tasks at once. (热情,友善,热心,高效,专业,有条理,勤快麻利,一心多用)。

显然,影片中的room clerk是个非常称职的接待员。他对本因为紧张,慌乱,做贼心虚而做出的不合情理的解释并不好奇,或追问。他那句"Whatever you say, sir."显示出他非常有专业性。


The Graduate 《毕业生》(精讲之五)The Graduate 是电影史上里程碑式的经典,刻画了60年代内心孤独无助的一代。即使电影仍然有一条爱情主线,但那仍是叛逆的爱情。主人公本(Ben)代表了美国整个60年代的一代人。

Ben与Mrs. Robinson的关系不是爱情,而纯粹是性和欲望,是无动于衷和冷漠。Ben与Mrs. Robinson幽会是一种对生活压力的逃避和释放。更是对周围人的反抗。两人之间甚至没有真正言语上、思想上的交流。自始至终,本只称呼她为Mrs. Robinson,而不是名字。

影片中Mrs. Robinson则代表美国式梦想的黑暗面,代表了一部分中产阶级的价值观念。她像一只贪婪的猛兽,她的猎物就是本年轻的躯体。影片也给了她足够的理由如此作为。如年轻失足,梦想幻灭等。但这种人绝非少数。





The Graduate 《毕业生》(精讲之四)考考你 参考答案

1. --你来北京多久了?
--How long have you been in Beijing?
--Quite a while. About six months.

2. --我有点紧张,明天有一个面试。
-- I'm a little worried about tomorrow's interview.
--You ought to be taking it a little easier. I bet you will be employed.

