
《英语口语王》第2部分:第一章 观点态度c

分类: 实用英语 

肯 定

我肯定。 I’m sure.

=I’m certain.

=I know for sure.

你说的一点没错。 You’re absolutely correct.

A: This is a work of Shakespeare.


B: You’re absolutely correct. 你说的一点没错。

我百分之百肯定。 I’m a hundred percent certain.

=I’m absolutely positive about it.

是的。 Right.

A: Are you from America? 您是从美国来的吗?

B: Right. 是的。

你说对啦。 You got it.



我完全同意你的看法。 I couldn’t agree with you more.

◆I agree with you 100%. 我百分之百同意你的看法。

我对此没意见。 I have no problem with that.

◆It works for me. 跟我想的一样。

你说到点子上了。 Your answer is to the point.

◆That’s a very straightforward answer. 答到点子上了。

这正是我所想的。 This is just what I have in mind.

A: Are you in favor of having a trip during the summer vacation? 你赞成暑假旅游去吗?

B: This is just what I have in mind. Where are you planning to go? 这正是我所想的。你打算去哪儿?

你的观点很有道理。 Your opinion is reasonable.

=Your opinion stands to reason.

◆That’s a reasonable opinion. 这个观点很有道理。

如果你说是,那就是吧。 If you say so.

A: My answer is definitely right. 我的答案完全正确。

B: If you say so. 如果你说是,那就是吧。

正是! You’ve got it.

A: Do you mean this? 你是这个意思吗?

B: You’ve got it. 正是!

确实是这样。 No doubt.

A: It’s really difficult to find a job. 找个工作确实很难。

B: No doubt. 确实是这样。

你说得有道理。 You have a point there.

A: Let’s open the window. It’s really stuffy in here.


B: You have a point there. 你说得有道理。

我对此确信无疑。 I have no doubt about it.

◆ There’s no room for doubt about it. 这毫无疑问。

据我所知是这样。 Yes, as far as I know.

=Yes, as far as I can tell.

=Yes, to the best of my knowledge.

恐怕是这样的。I’m afraid so.

A: I’ve heard he lost his bag. 我听说他把包丢了。

B: I’m afraid so. 恐怕是这样的。

事情肯定是这样的。 It can’t be otherwise.

=It must be. 肯定是这样的。

我正要说这事。 That’s just what I’m getting at.

A: The music is noisy. Would you mind my turning down the radio? 音乐太吵。我把收音机关小点可以吗?

B: That’s just what I’m getting at. 我正要说这事。

我想是吧。 I believe so.

◆So I understand. 我是这样理解的。

◆To my understanding. 我是这样理解的。

