
《英语口语王》第2部分:第一章 观点态度b

分类: 实用英语 

如果您能参加我们的晚会,我将不胜感激。 I’d appreciate if you could attend our part.

A: I’d appreciate if you could attend our part.


B: Thanks for your invitation. I’ll arrive there on time.



您能帮我一个忙吗? Do you mind if I ask you a favor?

=May I ask a favor of you?

=Would you please do me a favor?

您能帮我把它打印出来吗? Would you please help me type it?

A: Would you please help me type it?


B: My pleasure. 很乐意。


能麻烦您关一下门吗? Could I trouble you to shut the door?

=Would you mind shutting the door?

能把笔记本递给我吗? Will you pass me the notebook, please?

=Can you hand me the notebook, please?

=May I have the notebook, please?

我可以走开了吗? Could I be excused?

A: Could I be excused? 我可以走开了吗?

B: Wait for a moment. I have something to talk with you.


我想知道你是否能帮我邮寄点东西。 I wonder if you could post something for me.

A: I wonder if you could go to the post office for me.


B: I’m afraid I can’t today. What about tomorrow?



我可以带点东西去吗? Can I bring something?

=Can I bring anything?

◆Do I need to bring anything? 我要带什么东西去吗?

能耽误你几分钟吗? Do you have time?

=Do you have a minute?

我把收音机关掉你不反对吧? Would you object if I turn off the radio?

A: Would you object if I turn off the radio?


B: No. It’s noisy, isn’t it? 不反对。噪音挺大的。


请再说一遍好吗?I beg your pardon?

◆Pardon, please. 请再说一遍。

我想知道您是否能帮我搬一下桌子。 I wonder if you could move the desk for me.

=Would you be so kind as to move the desk for me?

不知您是否介意我弹钢琴? I wonder if you’d mind my playing the piano.

A: I wonder if you’d mind my playing the piano.


B: Oh, no. Go ahead please.



您能从心里原谅我吗? Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?

◆I beg your forgiveness. 我恳求您宽恕我。

我可以请教您一下吗? May I ask you something?

=Could you answer my question, please?

我们谈一会儿吧。 Let’s have a little talk.

A: Let’s have a little talk. 我们谈一会儿吧。

B: What is it? 谈什么?

能借用一下电话吗? May I use your phone?

A: May I use your phone? 能借用一下电话吗?

B: Sure. Go ahead. 可以,请用。

