

  • garden-to-fork 从菜园到餐桌

    Garden-to-fork is an adjective describing or relating to food grown in a person's own garden.从菜园到餐桌”,形容自己在菜园种出的食物,或与此相关的事物。例句:Last week I at...

  • threenager 三岁小大人

    Threenager is a three-year-old who displays the moodiness and attitude of a teenager.三岁小大人”指的是有着十几岁青少年般情绪和态度的三岁小孩儿。With the summer sales in full...

  • fur bikini 皮毛比基尼

    There can't be many buyers out there for a fur bikini.肯定不会有很多买皮毛比基尼这种东西的。But Kim Kardashian proved just how useful such a seemingly impractical ga...

  • sidewalk salsa 人行道萨尔萨

    When you walk up to someone on the sidewalk and you both try to move out of each other's way, and in doing so repeatedly move into each other'...

  • conversation wall 谈话墙

    When you're trying to make a conversation with a girl/guy you met recently, either A) online B) via text message or C) in person, and she/he respo...

  • likebait 求赞帖

    Likebait, or like-bait, is web content which is specifically intended to make Facebook users click the 'Like' button associated with it provid...

  • maternity matron 月嫂

    High demand spurs high income. With an increasing awareness of the importance of taking care of mothers and newborns, maternity matrons see a growth i...

  • tech-free tourism 零科技旅游

    Tech-free tourism refers to travelling without a mobile phone or similar devices, particularly to places that block or cannot access Internet and cell...

  • nighthawk 夜鹰

    Nighthawk is a recurring thought that only seems to strike you late at night -- an overdue task, a nagging guilt, a looming and shapeless future -- th...

  • office hit list 办公室谋杀名单

    Office hit list is a list of people with whom you work and whom you would also like to murder. But you never would because you're not a murderer s...

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