No one now living in the United States can remember when the contest began between the Democratic and the Republican parties. It has been going on for...
The job of raising children is a tough one. Children don't come with an instruction manual. And each child is different. So parents sometimes pull the...
1 亨利詹姆斯是美国现实主义的巨擘,他的名字大家也许不太熟知,但是他的作品《一位女士的画像》肯定有不小的名气,尽管那不是他最成熟的作品。詹姆斯是富人的孩子也当家的典型,他出身于纽约的上层知识分子家庭,父亲老亨利·詹姆斯是著名学者,兄长威廉·詹姆斯是知名的哲学家和心理学家。...
1 美国人的文学之父是华盛顿欧文,他给后世留下了大量的小说,散文和传记,尽管现在人们通常只记得他的两部短篇小说《睡谷的传说》(被蒂姆伯顿改编成了《无头骑士》不过原文远没有那么阴森恐怖)和《瑞普凡温科》(讲的是一个妻管严在山洞里一睡就睡了几百年的故事,显然,美国人的历史没那么长,只有几百年,不像我们传...
Once a man had a dream. He dreamed of a land of peace and harmony. He dreamed of a place where people were not judged by their skin color. He dreamed ...
Americans love pets. And it's not just puppy love, either. Many pet owners treat their furry friends as part of the family. Sometimes they spice u...
5 The Three KingsNo doubt most of us have heard the Christmas Carol We three kings of Orient are;” but in fact, the three kings” are never...
It is almost impossible to mention religion without some debate issuing forth. Fundamentalist Christians like to use the Bible as their sole source of...
虽然最近在国内也相当盛行吃西餐,但是在内容和形式上,随著各餐厅的经营型态而纯”、杂”不等,繁”、简”不一,十分值得一谈。 美国的西餐,和欧洲许多国家也颇有不同。如果您到美国旅游,赴家庭宴会或在餐馆吃正餐”时,请先注意下列一般原则:1. 男...