Ancient people made clay pottery because they needed it for their survival. They used the pots they made for cooking, storing food, and carrying thing...
Raw king prawns 300g, peeled and de-veinedGarlic 2 cloves, thinly slicedDried chilli flakes a large pinchOlive oil 2 tbspParsley leaves a small handfu...
bulghar wheat 120gspring onions 3, finely slicedcherry tomatoes 200g, halved or quarteredmint leaves 2 big bunches, choppedparsley leaves 1 bunch, cho...
ready-rolled puff pastry 1 sheetpesto 4 tbspmascarpone 2 tbspvine tomatoes 6, thinly slicedHeat the oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Unroll the pastry on ...
6oz/175g unsalted butter, softened8oz/225g caster sugar7oz/200g ground almonds3 large eggsZest of 4 whole lemons and juice of 14oz/115g polenta1 tsp b...
Dark chocolate 200g, choppedButter 150g, cut into cubes, plus extra for the ramekinsEggs 6Sugar 175gPlain flour 125g• Heat the oven to 180C/fan 1...
'Gangnam Style' just keeps breaking records.《江南Style》总是不断地打破纪录。Psy's moves have become so popular, even presidential candidates are copyin...
Mashed potato 200g (use leftovers or buy ready-made)Tinned red salmon 200g, bones and skin removedSpring onions 2, finely slicedEgg 1, beatenFlourBrea...
IngredientsServes 44 good-quality pork chipolatas4 rashers smoked back bacon5 oz button mushrooms6 eggs , beaten8 cherry tomatoes , halvedhandful grat...
Baked potato with tuna ( serves one)Preparation time: 2 minutesCooking time: 1.5 hoursLarge baking potatoCan of tunaTablespoon of mayonnaise (optional...