爱思英语编者按:如果你曾经想象过自己是另一个年代的人,那一定不要错过青少年摄影师安娜莉莎·哈特劳伯的摄影作品,她的系列摄影展现了20世纪20年代至今西方国家的主流文化和逆主流文化。In her project "Counter // Culture," 16-yea...
爱思英语编者按:一家英国美容中心提供了一种去皱新产品疗法,顾客只需付180英镑,就可以享受夜莺粪便面膜服务。Of all the extreme ways to make yourself look younger, this might just be the most bird-brained....
爱思英语编者按:来自昆士兰州黄金海岸市的少年已经成为近期的网络热点,他在Facebook上的粉丝超过17.2万,在Instagram也有8.7万的粉丝。Seventeen-year-old Kurt Coleman has garnered an enormous following online ...
爱思英语编者按:这28组照片你也许曾近看到过,他们也许能让你一天的烦累消失掉。你有感到幸福吗?These 28 Photos Exist For The Sole Purpose Of Making You Explode With Happiness. I’m Dying Here.F...
It's always overwhelming when you come back into the office from vacation. Your email inbox looks like something exploded in it, and the endless m...
This spring’s fashion weeks may have come to an end, but the pursuit of fashion never stops, especially in this lovely season. It’s time t...
Monster 15-inch rat terrorises Swedish family after chewing through CONCRETE wall to make its home in their kitchen。一只长15英寸(38厘米)的巨型老鼠将瑞典一户人家彻底吓傻了!这只巨...
2002年2月21日,美国前总统乔治•华盛顿•布什的妻子劳拉•布什在北京美国大使馆里尝试制作拉面。Laura Bush, wife of former US President George W. Bush, tries to make Chinese noodles ...
爱思英语编者按:津巴布韦16岁女孩艾比·普达鲁尔饲养了一只被遗弃的小松鼠,这个小家伙就在艾比的头发里安了家,艾比给它起名哈米。艾比说,哈米和她一见如故,一下就钻进了她绑起的头发里赖着不走了。A teenage girl from Zimbabwe is rearing an aband...