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Hold on tight! Man builds a roller-coaster in his BACK GARDEN to make his son's dream come true (... and probably his own)

For some, putting up some basic shelving constitutes a major DIY project.

DIY for one Californian father, however, is slightly more extreme, as he’s built a 180-foot-long roller coaster in his backyard.

Will Pemble, 50, made his son’s dream come true after he was asked to build the roller coaster at their home in San Francisco after a trip to a local theme park – but he very probably made his own dream come true, too.

On the right track: A Californian father has built a huge roller coaster in his backyard

Life can be up and down: Mr Pemble spent around six months building the roller coaster

DIY project: Mr Pemble spent around $3,500 on materials

The father-of-two threw himself into the project and was so desperate to share his love of physics that he even set up his own website, CoasterDad.com, to showcase his incredible creation.

His project was finally complete after spending around $3,500 on building materials and grafting for more than 300 hours.

E-commerce management consultant Mr Pemble said: ‘Like most things in life, this project all came about because I got excited by an idea. 

Mr Pemble was so desperate to share his love of physics that he even set up his own website, CoasterDad.com

Captured on film: Mr Pemble made a series of POV YouTube videos to document his progress

Size matters: The roller coaster stretches around the Pembles' huge backyard

Rigorous: Mr Pemble tested the coaster using a frame on wheels

Testing times: A cart is filmed hurtling around a bend

‘We were just back from one of many amusement park trips and Lyle asked a simple question, “Why don't we build our own roller coaster, Dad?”

‘I couldn't think of a single good reason to say no so Lyle and I headed off to the lumber yard for a few supplies.

‘Today, our backyard roller coaster is an unending source of excitement, challenge, education, and connection.

‘The coaster is complete and fully operational, although we keep adding onto it and making modifications.

Maintenance: Mr Pemble showing damage to the cart

Track day: The Pembles check that everything will run smoothly

‘I would say it's more of an experiment so it will probably never be finished, as long as there are still things to try and learn.

‘The track as it is today has a complete loop that's about 180 feet around, with the whole thing taking six months to build.’

Mr Pemble said he has had several requests from fans asking him to build them backyard roller coasters.

The father-of-two also revealed his son Lyle, 10, and daughter Ellie, 12, were the inspiration behind the gravity-defying project.

He added: ‘Coaster Dad is all about sharing information and ideas about backyard roller coasters, but even more, it's here to support science education for kids.

‘People started asking if we did this kind of thing for a living and if could we go and build backyard roller coasters for other families.

‘If I'm honest, I can't think of a single good reason to say no so that could well happen in the future.

‘Our mission is purely to share our love of physics, family, and fun so one thing has just led to another.

‘The whole family has been involved in the project and the neighbours always check in to see how we're doing.

‘It's amazing that all of this came from a kid asking one simple question and a dad saying yes.’

According to Mr Pemble's latest post on CoasterDad.com, there are still a few teething problems to overcome as a new cart he'd built crashed the third time it was sent around the track.

Mr Pemble wrote: 'The track was going up fast and beautiful..... and we were in high spirits as we ran the new cart down the new track during our first test. Then, it happened! It was time for us to switch from being super pleased with ourselves into a slightly less comfortable, but ultimately more productive mode: Namely, Learning From Roller Coaster Cart Crash mode!

'We ran the new cart down the track three times. The first and second times, things seemed to go well. The third time, as they say, was the charm. But only if you define the word “charm” as metal-on-metal-crash-with-cart-filp-and-disappointment.'

