

  • 水瓶座本月运程

    So, what old, outdated, outmoded, overused, no-longer-helpful, no-longer-useful, no-longer-good-for-you, only-getting-in-your-way habits have you negl...

  • 摩羯座本月运程

    Maybe you've been feeling a little bit like Sisyphus, lately: You know, like every time you roll that old boulder up to the top of the incline, it...

  • 射手座本月运程

    There are times when it doesn't really matter what you do, because you won't have that much of an impact on how things are playing out. The 1s...

  • 天蝎座本月运程

    The 1st, you may well be on the road again -- literally or figuratively. Whether you're getting your kicks on Route 66 on your way to a brand new ...

  • 天秤座本月运程

    There are many words that describe you. Nice, smart, caring, interested, engaged, kind (not to mention, good-looking!). The 1st, your best qualities a...

  • 处女座本月运程

    The 1st, you could be contemplating the deep blue of the sea. Or the wide-open sky. Or the green trees or the brown trees or the leafless trees or the...

  • 狮子座本月运程

    The 1st, you begin your month with some serious self-expression. Maybe you're singing in the rain. Maybe you're dancing in the streets. Maybe ...

  • 巨蟹座本月运程

    The 1st, you and all your friends and several of your family members and maybe a brand new acquaintance or two are planning something big. Is it a par...

  • 双子座本月运程

    What's up with you on the 1st? Are you taking to a Change (with a capital 'C') like a duck takes to water? Or are you barely managing to k...

  • 金牛座本月运程

    The 1st, you could be voted 'most valuable best team player super person in the whole darned office'. And if you aren't, gosh, you should ...

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