
There are times when it doesn't really matter what you do, because you won't have that much of an impact on how things are playing out. The 1st of this month is not one of those times. Nope, as this month gets going, what you do could alter the course of your projects (at work and at home) in a big way. Yep, you're the major player in that thing called 'your life' and this month it's all about stepping up to bat when it's time. Swing batter! The 5th, if your pitching is weak, well heck, go ahead and recruit a couple of folks with strong arms to play for your team! The 9th, spend some time in the stands signing caps and cards for your fans (or family and friends, as the case may be). By the 13th and 14th, a newfound sense of maturity and a snazzy new design for your team uniform make you feel like an all-star (and you are!). The 19th, maybe there's a problem out on the field (are your players falling asleep out there?). Fix it, and you'll have a fabulous 18th and 19th (Suh-wiiing, batter, batter!). The 23rd, you and a buddy are up to all kinds of tricks -- and have a ball doing it. The 28th, heads up: What you do now could have big, exciting consequences.