

  • 65,000$ Question

    Jane was a first time contestant on the $65,000 quiz show. Lady luck had smiled in her favor, as Jane had a gained substantial lead over her opponents...

  • Nice Smelling Hair

    A man walks up to a woman in his office each day, stands very close to her, draws in a large breath of air and tells her that her hair smells nice. Af...

  • 30-40 Years Left

    woman named Shirley was from Beverly Hills. One day, she had a heart attack and was taken to Cedars Sinai hospital. While on the operating table, she ...

  • Not Satisfied

    A woman goes to see a psychiatrist. Doctor,” she says, my husband just doesn’t satisfy me sexually anymore.” Hmm,” replies the...

  • New Tatoo

    This lady goes into a tattoo parlor and asks the guy to put a tattoo of a turkey on her upper right thigh. She goes back to the same tattoo parlor two...

  • Hiding The Pets

    A man and his wife are returning from holiday, while on holiday they decided to buy themselves some pets, he bought a snake while the woman got a skun...

  • One Missing Girl

    George came home one day, very excited. "Do you know what they are saying?" he asked his wife Jean, "they say our janitor has slept wit...

  • Attractive Woman

    A rather attractive woman goes up to the bar in a quiet rural pub. She gestures alluringly to the barman who comes over immediately. When he arrives, ...

  • Not Enough Moaning

    Morris came home and found his wife Sadie crying. She said, "I found out from Mrs. Goldberg that you''re having an affair with your secre...

  • Grandma Loves Oranges

    A young teenaged girl was a prostitute and, for obvious reasons, kept it a secret from her Grandma. One day, the police raided a brothel and arrested ...

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