A history jokeHow did the Vikings send secret messages?By norse code!A math jokeTeacher: What's 2 and 2?Pupil: 4Teacher: That's good.Pupil: Go...
Why doesn't the sea spill over the earth?Because it's tied!Who was the Black Prince?The son of Old King Cole!Did you hear about the mad scient...
What is posthumous work?Something written by someone after they are dead!What is the most slippery country in the world?Greece!What is the strongest b...
Why did the cowboy die with his boots on?Because he didn't want to stub his toe when he kicked the bucket!If athletes get athlete's foot, what...
What has a bottom at the top?I don't know?Your legs!What is a skeleton?Bones, with the person off!What might you eat in Paris?The trifle tower!Whi...
What's the nearest thing to silver?The Lone Ranger's bottom!This morning my dad gave me soap flakes instead of corn flakes for breakfast.I bet...
How do you make milk shake?Give it a good scare!Do you know the time?No, we haven't met yet!What sleeps at the bottom of the sea?A kipper!What lie...
Waiter, this soup tastes funny?Then why aren't you laughing!What do you get if you cross a US President with a shark?Jaws Washington!Why is it not...
What is the best day of the week to sleep?Snooze-day!How many rotten eggs does it take to make a stink bomb?A phew!What do cannibals eat for breakfast...
Why did cavemen draw pictures of hippopotamuses and rhinoceroses on their walls?Because they couldn't spell their names!What is the noisiest game?...