What's yellow, wiggles and is dangerous?A maggot with attitude!Why was the glow worm unhappy?Because her children weren't that bright!What do ...
What is a spiders favorite TV show?The newly web game!What did the wife spider say to her husband when he tried to explain why he was late?Your spinni...
Why did the spider buy a car?So he could take it out for a spin!What does a spider do when he gets angry?He goes up the wall!What would happen if tara...
What did the slug say to the other who had hit him and run off?I'll get you next slime!What was the snail doing on the highway?About one mile a da...
Why did the toad become a lighthouse keeper?He had his own frog horn!Where do you get frogs eggs?At the spawn shop!What's a toads favorite sweet?L...
Why did the tadpole feel lonely?Because he was newt to the area!Where do frogs keep their treasure?In a croak of gold at the end of the rainbow!Whats ...
What's green a slimy and found at the North Pole?A lost frog!What's green and tough?A toad with a machine gun!Why didn't the female frog l...
What do toads drink?Croaka-cola!When is a car like a frog?When it's becing toad!Why do frogs have webbed feet?To stamp out forest fires!What happe...
Where do frogs keep their money?In a river bank!What kind of bull doesn't have horns?A bullfrog!What jumps up and down in front of a car?Froglight...
Whats a frogs favorite game?It's croak-et!What do headmasters and bullfrogs have in common?Both have big heads that consist mostly of mouth!What p...