"Pull over" and "pull-over" 靠边?套头衫? A cop spotted a woman driving and knitting at the same time. Coming up beside her, he said, &...
Be Careful for What You Wish for 许愿也要小心 A couple had been married for 25 years and were celebrating their 60th birthdays, which fell on the same day....
They are directly from America 它们是从美国直接带来的 Not long after an old Chinese woman came back to China from her visit to her daughter in the States, she w...
Running a red light 闯红灯 Two guys were riding down the street in a car. They come to a red light. The driver runs the red light. The passenger cries ou...
Placing your order 点餐 A friend and I were standing in line at a fast-food restaurant, waiting to place our order. There was a big sign posted. "N...
This is my seat 这是我的位子 It was a woman's first time on a plane. She boarded the plane and found herself a window seat.一位女士头一回坐飞机。她登机后发现自己的座位仅靠窗子。Af...
The amazing golf ball 神奇的高尔夫球 A golfer, playing a round by himself, is about to tee off, and a greasy little salesman runs up to him, and yells, &quo...
Disappearing Act 失踪 When a woman reported her husband missing, the officer in charge looked at the photograph she handed him, then asked if she wishe...
Does dog know the proverb? 狗也知道这个谚语吗? A little boy did not like the look of the barking dog. 一个小男孩非常不喜欢狗狂叫的样子。 “It's all right,“ said a gentlema...
Make Money 挣钱 A young man asked an old rich man how he made his money.一位年轻人请教一位十分有钱的老人如何变得如此富有。The old guy fingered his worsted wool vest and said, &...