There were these two rabbits, Barry and Fred. They were being tested in a laboratory and after a few losses of hair and half of their teeth missing th...
A homeless man stops at a farmhouse to beg to spend the night. The farmer answers the door and says "Sure, we can put you up." The vagrant w...
A young newly married couple inherited a parrot from an aged relative. This parrot was very talkative, and was forever informing visitors as to what w...
A panda walks into a pub and sits down for a drink. While he's downing his pint, he looks across and sees a beautiful woman at the end of the bar,...
A Pole and a Chezck go bear hunting. When they don't come back their friend go looking for them.They find two tracks leading into the wood and fol...
There were three guys hitchiking along the roads of a plain, boring field because their car overheated from the long drive. Exhausted, hungry, and thi...
There were these two not so bright guys who had to get across the desert. Since they didn't have enough money for a car they decided to buy a came...
As he was quietly watching television at home, the chap heard a sound on the roof of his house and rushed out to investigate. Seeing it was a fair-siz...
Two guys were walking through the jungle. All of a sudden, a tiger appeared from a distance, running toward them. One of the guys took out a pair of N...
This guy who owns a horse farm gets a call from a friend.The friend says, "I know this midget with a speech impediment who wants to buy a horse, ...