

  • A cheerful response 欣然回应

    A college student was taking a pre-Christmas examination.As he couldn't answer some questions, he complained and wrote the complaint on the examin...

  • Who was to blame 该怪谁

    A woman was hit by a man in a junction(交叉点). The man said she was to blame. The woman protested that it wasn't her fault.But a witness said, "...

  • Seeking His Fortune 闯世界

    A bright boy left his family, going to new York to seek his fortune. None of his family seemed to doubt that he would gain success and wealth.Several ...

  • A stingy traveler 节俭的旅行家

    Once a traveler wanted to visit Springfield by train. He went up to a ticket window and said to the conductor, "I want a ticket for Springfield.&...

  • An old couple 一对老夫妇

    An old couple were very saving. As a result they had a beautifully furnished house. One day the old woman missed her husband. She called out: "Ol...

  • It was made worse 弄巧成拙

    A man went to London to visit a friend. He stayed far longer than was expected. A week passed, he still made no attempt to leave.At last his friend ga...

  • A poor housekeeper 差劲的主妇

    A woman was dissatisfied with her next-door neighbor. She told her friend that the neighbor was a poor housekeeper, her house was not clean and her ch...

  • Hours of consultation 诊疗时间

    It was half pass three. The doctor just lay down to have a nap when he heard a loud knock on the door. He got up and asked the man at the door: "...

  • A little boy's age 一个小男孩的年龄

    One day a minister went to visit a home in his new parish.A little boy was playing in the living room. Before his mother came downstairs to greet the ...

  • I'll Change My Name 我会改一个名字

    At the age of 16, Edely decided to leave home and join a theater company. His father was appalled(惊骇的), "A son of mine on the stage? It's a d...

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