Two five year old boys are standing at the toilet to pee. One says, "Your thing doesn't have any skin on it!""I've been circumc...
A man wonders if having sex on the Sabbath is a sin because he is not sure if sex is work or play. He asks a priest for his opinion on this question. ...
A priest had lost his cock (Male hen) and didn't know where to find it. So at the sermon next day he asked, "Has anybody got the cock?" ...
God created the mule, and told him, "You will be mule, working constantly from dusk to dawn, carrying heavy loads on your back. You will eat gras...
An old Jewish beggar was out on the street, begging with his tin cup. A man passed by and the beggar said to the man, "Sir, could you spare 3 cen...
A blind man is sitting on a park bench. A rabbi sits down next to him. The rabbi is chomping on a piece of matzah. Taking pity on the blind man, he br...
The Chief Rabbi of Israel and the Pope are in a meeting in Rome. The Rabbi notices an unusally fancy phone on a side table in the Pope's private c...
There were these two priests who rode bikes to church every Sunday. Well one day one of the priests showed up to work without his bike. The other prie...
A catholic priest and a rabbi find them sitting next to each other on a long journey, and so after some hesitation start to talk to each other. After ...
A Jewish father was troubled by the way his son turned out, and went to see his Rabbi about it. "I brought him up in the faith, gave him a very e...