Mrs. Brown dialed her daughter's number and sang out, "Hello, darling. How are you?""Terrible, Mom. My back is killing me, the chil...
Police officers hear plenty of excuses from people caught parking only for the handicapped persons.Once a policeman stopped a man for doing so. When t...
My friend and I were busy mending fences when my house-keeper arrived. Several times during the day, she drove out, returning 45 minutes later. Feelin...
There was a man who raised a pig. He felt tired of it and gave it up. However, the pig knew the way to go home. The man did not succeed in doing so se...
A commuter sitting on a subway train reading a paper back was so sprawled out in the seat that the woman next to him had very little room. When she as...
Working at a theater box-office ticket window poses many challenges in dealing with people.A disgruntled customer at a window near mine exclaimed: &qu...
“Larry! Come here!“ said his furious mother, putting the telephone down, “ I've just had a call from Mrs. Harrison about your behavior to her Dori...
A young man came home and said, "Dad, I just got my driver's license and would like to use the family car."Father replied, "Ok, son...
The old age had crept in on Mrs. Daly. Aches and pains bothered her day and night. One day, she received a package with some pills and a letter from h...
One evening a family brings their frail, elderly mother to a nursing home and leaves her, hoping she will be well cared for.The next morning, the nurs...