
Garfield 2《加菲猫》2(四)

分类: 影视英语 

Garfield: Listen, Winnebago, if I may call you that. When history speaks of me, and she will, I want to be remembered as the ''Party Prince.''

Winston: As you wish.

Marten: You chaps know me. I'm no snob. Right? But this cat is too much.

Preston: He's an embarrassment to our whole way of life.

Marten: Oh, he's a disgrace to the furry race. "My pillow isn't soft enough. My TV remote won't work."

Winston: Don't get your knickers in a twist. I know he's a pain in the neck, but we just got to keep him safe till Monday.

Garfield: Yeah. My loyal and fragrant subjects, please. Thank you. Briefly, I hate Mondays. Just hate 'em. Therefore, I decree, from this day forward, there will be no more Mondays.

Animals: What? What?

Garfield: Got it? Today is Tuesday, then. Happy Tuesday, everybody.

Goose: Yeah, I think he's lost it.

Winston: Like I said, we just got to keep him safe till Tuesday.

Dargis: Hello, Rommel. Ah-ha-ha! I have a present for you. Prince's favorite pillow. Sniffy, sniffy, Rommel. Sniffy, sniffy. Ooh, bad pillow. Ooh! Kill kitty. Kill kitty. Oh, what a clever boy. Eat the cat. Yum, yum, yum. I think you're ready.

Cow: Uh-oh, here comes trouble.

Dargis: Eat the pussycat. There's a good chap.

Mouse 1: Operation Feline Protection under way.

Mouse 2: I'm on it. Hoo-hoo!

Dargis: Oops. Bon appetit.

Rommel: Here, kitty, kitty. Come to Rommel. Where are you, my little furry friend?

Winston: Hello, Rommel.

Rommel: Eat kitty.

Winston: No, no kitty, Rommel. But we have something better to chew on.

Rommel: No kitty?

Winston: That's right: no kitty. Bring Lord Dargis's new trousers, please.

McBunny: Pig, the trousers!

Rommel: Uh, trousers.

Winston: Thank you, Sam. And now, Rommel, how about a nice tug of war?

Rommel: Yeah.

Marten:: Ooh! Lord Dargis better watch out next time Rommel's on the loose.

1. Too much

When you say "____is too much", it means you admire, or approve or think it is funny, or are really surprised, or shocked or angry. 有些"I can't believe it","Wow! look at that"的意味。Too much 表示的也并不一定是否定的意味,例如:If someone tells a dirty joke, but it's really funny, someone might say 'you're too much', but they mean it in a good way.

2. Don't get your knickers in a twist.

意思是Don't get upset. 当你看到某个人很沮丧,并且你认为他是没来由的沮丧或者这种沮丧很好笑、根本没必要时,你就可以这么说。具体的用法还要根据场合和气氛来裁决,但如果用错了,会使你显得非常粗鲁。

3. Pain in the neck

这个片语也作pain in the ass / butt,意思是“烦恼的根源,烦人的东西/人”,例如:
Joan is a real pain in the neck, with her constant complaining.
Jack told his brother to stop being a pain in the ass.

4. tug of war

5. On the loose

“Free; unconfined”,尤指逃犯或是马戏团的动物,例如:
That dog of theirs is on the loose all the time.
According to the police, a murder is on the loose.

On the loose 还可以指“行为放纵的,风流的”,例如:a bachelor on the loose

