

分类: 影视英语 
Wally Worthington (Paul Rudd), an Air Force pilot, brings his girlfriend Candy (Charlize Theron) to St. Cloud for an abortion, and Homer decides to go with them when they leave, hoping to see the world. However, the three end up going no further than the state line, where Wally’s mother (Kate Nelligan) runs an apple orchard and cider mill, and Candy’s family trap lobsters. When Wally ships off to battle, Homer grows closer to Candy, and the two fall in love. But their idyllic life at the cider mill is interrupted when Rose Rose (Erica Badu), a field worker at the orchard, becomes pregnant and her father, cider house foreman Mr. Rose (Delroy Lindo), turns out to be the father of her unborn child.

 trap lobsters:捕龙虾。堪迪一家以捕龙虾为生,这很容易让我们联想起《阿甘正传》中阿甘的黑人战友对阿甘讲了无数遍的"shrimp, shrimp, shrimp…",而战争结束后阿甘也因trap shrimps成了百万富翁。
 turns out:有表示"结果"的含意,在本文中表示"原来是……,最后(证明)是……"。出人意料的是Mr. Rose竟然是未出生婴儿的爸爸,所以用了turn out 这个短语更好地表达这种结果。turns out还有很多其他含意,常用的有"关灯"turn out the light;"翻出……"turn out one’s pocket for money把口袋翻出来找钱;"制造、培养"turn out a cake做好一个蛋糕。

This news, coupled with the death of Dr. Larch, forces Homer to take a long look at both his moral principles and his future. Singer Erica Badu made her film debut in this picture; another R&B star, rapper Heavy D, appears in the supporting cast as Peaches.


