

分类: 影视英语 


Mark: How's the internship? How's Christy?

Eduardo: How's the internship?

Mark: Yeah.

Eduardo: Mark, Jesus, I quit the internship. We talked about this on the phone. I quit on my first day.

Mark: I do remember you saying that. So how is Christy?

Eduardo: Christy's crazy.

Mark: Is that fun?

Eduardo: No. I mean, she's actually psychotic. She's insanely jealous, she's irrational, and I'm frightened of her.

Mark: Still, it's nice you have a girlfriend.

Eduardo: I do not want that guy representing himself as part of this company.

Mark: You gotta move out here, Wardo, this is where it's all happening.

Eduardo: Did you hear what I just said?

Mark: The connections, the energy...

Eduardo: Mark, you got...

Mark: I'm afraid if you don't come out here, you're gonna get left behind. I want... I need you out here. Please don't tell him I said that.

Eduardo: What did you just say?

Mark: It's moving faster than any of us ever imagined it would. It's moving fast.

Eduardo: What did you mean?

Mark: And Sean thinks we have...

Eduardo: Sean is not part of this company.

Mark: We have over 300,000 members, Wardo, and we're in 160 schools, including five in Europe.

Eduardo: I'm aware of that! Mark, I am the CFO!

Mark: We need more servers than I ever expected we'd need. We need more programmers and we need more money, and he set up the Thiel meeting. He set up meetings all over town.

Eduardo: He set up other meetings?

Mark: Yes.

Eduardo: Without me knowing anything about it.

Mark: You're in New York.

Eduardo: I'm in New York riding subways 14 hours a day, trying to find advertisers!

Mark: And how's it going so far?

Eduardo: What did you mean, "get left behind"?


Bank clerk: Hi. Can I help you?

Eduardo: I'd like to freeze this bank account and cancel all existing checks and lines of credit.

Bank clerk: May I see some ID, please?

Eduardo: Yeah, sure, sorry.


Secretary: Sean, he'll be right with you.

Sean: No problem. You know this is where they filmed Towering Inferno?

Mark: That's comforting.

Peter Thiel: Hey, guys. Come on back. She offered you some waters?

Sean: Oh, yeah. We're cool.

Maurice: Sean, how are you? Come on in. You must be Mark.

Mark: Hi.

Peter Thiel: We took a look at everything, and congratulations. We're gonna start you off with a $500,000 investment. Maurice is gonna talk to you about some corporate restructuring.

Maurice: We'll file as a corporation in Delaware and come up with a stock structure that allows for new investors.

Peter Thiel: Now, let me ask you something. Who's Eduardo Saverin?


Eduardo: Jesus Christ.

Christy: When did you get back?

Eduardo: You scared me. I need you to knock.

Christy: When did you get back?

Eduardo: I got back this afternoon.

Christy: And when were you gonna call me?

Eduardo: Chris, it was kind of a rough trip and I was tired...

Christy: Yeah, or answer one of my 47 texts. Did you know I sent 47 texts?

Eduardo: I did, and I thought that was incredibly normal behavior.

Christy: Are you mocking me?

Eduardo: I brought you a present.

Christy: Why does your Status say "single" on your Facebook page?

Eduardo: What?

Christy: Why does your Relationship Status say "single" on your Facebook page?

Eduardo: Well, I was single when I set up the page.

Christy: And you just never bothered to change it? What?

Eduardo: I don't know how.

Christy: Do I look stupid to you?

Eduardo: No, calm down.

Christy: You're asking me to believe that the CFO of Facebook doesn't know how to change his Relationship Status on Facebook?

Eduardo: It's embarrassing, so you should take it as a sign of trust that I would tell you that.

Christy: Go to hell.

Eduardo: Take it easy.

Christy: No, you didn't change it so you could screw those Silicon Valley sluts every time you go out to see Mark.

Eduardo: Not even remotely true and I can promise you that the Silicon Valley sluts don't care what anyone's Relationship Status is on Facebook. Please, open your present.

(Eduardo’s phone rings)

Christy: Your phone does work. It's Mark.

Eduardo: Okay, this is gonna be tricky. Open your present. It's a silk scarf.

Christy: Have you ever seen me wear a scarf?

Eduardo: This'll be your first. Yeah.

Mark: You froze our account?

Eduardo: I did.

Mark: You froze the account.

Eduardo: I had to get your attention, Mark.

Mark: Do you realize that you jeopardized the entire company? Do you realize that your actions could have destroyed everything I've been working on?

Eduardo: We have been working on.

Mark: Without money, the site can't function. Let me tell you the difference between Facebook and everybody else. We don't crash ever! If the servers are down for even a day, our entire reputation is irreversibly destroyed.

Eduardo: Look...

Mark: Users are fickle. Friendster has proved that. Even a few people leaving would reverberate through the entire user base. The users are interconnected. That is the whole point. College kids are online because their friends are online and if one domino goes, the other dominos go. Don't you get that? I am not going back to the Caribbean Night at A-E-Pi!

Eduardo: (Sees the fire) Holy shit. (To Christy) What is wrong with you?

Mark: Did you like being nobody? Did you like being a joke? Do you wanna go back to that?

Eduardo: Hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on.

Mark: That was the act of a child, not a businessman, and it certainly was not the act of a friend. You know how embarrassing it was for me to try to cash a check today? I am not going back to that life. Maybe you were frustrated.

Eduardo: Yeah!

Mark: Maybe you were angry.

Eduardo: I was!

Mark: But I am willing to let bygones be bygones, because, Wardo, I've got some good news.

Eduardo: I'm sorry. I was angry, and maybe it was childish, but I had to get your attention.

Mark: Wardo, I said I've got some good news.

Eduardo: What is it?

Mark: Peter Thiel just made an angel investment of half a million dollars.

Eduardo: What?

Mark: Half a million dollars. And he's setting us up in an office. They wanna reincorporate the company. They wanna meet you. They need your signature on some documents, so you gotta get your ass on the first flight back to San Francisco. I need my CFO.

Eduardo: I'm on my way.

Mark: Wardo?

Eduardo: Yeah?

Mark: We did it.

Christy: Wardo? You're going back there already?

Eduardo: Yes. And also, I'm breaking up with you.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. psychotic: 精神病患者。

2. irrational: 没有理性的。看一下例子:Animals are irrational creatures.(野兽是没有理性的动物。)

3. freeze: 冻结(资金、银行账户等)。freeze还可以表示“使呆住,使一动不动”,看一下例子:Her look froze the words on my lips.(她的神色使我欲言又止。)

4. start somebody off: 帮助某人开始(某事)。

5. screw: 和……乱搞。

6. slut: 荡妇。

7. jeopardize: 危及;危害。看一下例子:If you are rude to the boss, it may jeopardize your chances of success.(如果你对老板没有礼貌,那也许会危及你事业的成功。)

8. irreversibly: 不可挽回地。

9. fickle: 易变的;无常的。请看例子:He is a fickle lover.(他是个用情不专的爱人。)

10. reverberate: 有长久深刻的影响;产生广泛影响。

11. set somebody up: 资助,经济上扶植某人。

