

分类: 影视英语 


Greg: Hi, Rowley.

Rowley: Hey.

Rodrick: Does he know about the D-O-R-E? The door.

Greg: Oh, yeah, don't worry. I already told him, deny, deny, deny.

Greg's father: Hi, Rowley, how do you do, huh? OK. Was there a lock on this door? I must lose my marbles.

Rowley: I can't take this pressure. I'm leaving.

Greg's mother: Ok, everybody. Dinner time.

Rodrick: Actually, Mom, I have to skip dinner.

Greg's mother: Why?

Rodrick: I have got the most important meeting in my life tonight.

Greg's father: Did you say you have a meeting? Like, for like a job?

Rodrick: Kind of. I'm meeting with the best guitar player of Plainview. And he is in between bands. And if I get him in Lödid Diper, then winning the talent show is a lock. I mean, you will like him, Dad. He is a real professional like you.

Greg's mother: Be supportive.

Rodrick: That's him. I'll get that.

Bill: Oh, man. I barely made it here. Your address has so many numbers.

Rodrick: Ok, Bill, I think we should...

Bill: Well. Do I smell pork roast?

Greg: Bill Walter is most likely to be a rock star when he was in high school. (In Greg's comic fantasy) You suck. But that hasn't really work out.

Rodrick: We really should be going.

Greg's father: Sit. So, Bill, Rodrick tells me that you are a professional musician, so that means you earn enough to make a living?

Bill: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well enough if you live in your parents' basement. My parents are really supportive. Respect your parents, boys.

Rowley: Hey, that's what Joshie says.

Greg's father: Well. Doesn't sound like a cakewalk, right?

Bill: No.

Greg's father: Don't you tell Rodrick, give him a picture of how challenging it can really be.

Bill: No, it's really hard. First of all, there is no home cooked meals like this.

Greg's father: What? Really?

Bill: Yeah, yeah. No, on the road, it's all burgers, fries and pizzas. And then you gonna deal with the fans. Especially the girls. No, it's, it's definitely not for everyone. But if you like rocking deep into the night and party in the heart all day...then that might be the life for you.

Rodrick: It's definitely for me.

Greg: It does sound fun. But what if you don't play musical instrument?

Bill: Löded Diper always needs roadies.

Rodrick: So, you joining the band?

Bill: Yeah, brother. I'm in. Let's rock.


Rowley: I think I might have brought too much stuffs.

Greg: Let's just see how many views our video has got. Must gonna be thousands. Maybe millions. Four? We only got four lousy hits?

Rowley: Greg, I can't lie to your parents about the party. I never lie. Joshie says lie hurts everyone.

Greg's mother: Guess who wants to join the big boys sleepover?

Manny: Baby Manny.

Greg: Mom, no, he will ruin it.

Greg's mother: He just wanted to come and say hi to Rowley. And Rowley's mother brought over some healthy snacks and a DVD that she thought was appropriate. Enjoy your candy bars. Boys.

Greg: Andy's Magic Cushion. Let's start with that. Or should we watch The Foot?

Rowley: What if she comes back in and asks about the party?

Greg: You need to relax. How about some healthy snacks?

Movie: (Woman) We shouldn't be here, just can't let ourselves into a stranger's home. (Man) The place is empty. Nobody's gonna mind. (Woman) Hooh. (Man) Look at his face. (Woman) What happened to his foot? It sounded like someone was hopping. (Man) I'm telling you it's nothing. It's just your imagination. Hooh. Did you just kick me? (The man screams) (Woman) You know, you really need to cut your toenails. (Man) What did you say? (The woman screams)

Rowley: Turn it off. Turn it off.

Greg: OK, because you're scared. Just go to sleep.

Rowley: I wish we watched Andy's Magic Cushion.

Greg's mother: I love this movie, Frank. Don't you just love this movie?

Greg's father: He picks the housekeeper over the supermodel?

Greg's mother: I know.

Rowley: Ah! It is coming! The foot is coming! Ah!

Greg's mother: Greg, is there something you want to say to Rowley and his father?

Greg: I'm sorry for choosing an inappropriate movie for the sleepover. At least nobody got hurt this time.

Rowley: I am a little bird. I'm a little bird. My knee broke.

Greg: What?

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. lose one's marbles: 失去理智;变糊涂。marbles在这里的意思是“理智,智力”。看一下例子:Bob would not go to town barefooted if he had all his marbles.(鲍勃要是不犯傻的话,就不会赤着脚进城。)

2. I can't take this pressure: 我受不了这个压力。

3. winning the talent show is a lock: 才艺表演就胜券在握了。lock在这里指“(对某物的)完全控制”。

4. cakewalk: 易如反掌的事。例如:This should be a cakewalk for you.(对你来说这事不费吹灰之力。)

5. give him a picture of...: 给他描述一下……。

6. roadie: (乐队巡回演出时的)随团技术人员。

7. snack: 点心。

