

分类: 影视英语 

Rapunzel gasped as she stared at the shadowed figure of Mother Gothel.

"Hello, dear," Mother Gothel said.

"What ... what are you doing here?" Rapunzel said, fumbling for words. "I mean, how did you find me?"

Mother Gothel walked up to Rapunzel and gave her a hug. "Oh, it was easy, really," she said. "I just listened for the sound of complete and utter betrayal and followed that."

Rapunzel tried to find a way to explain. She couldn't help feeling guilty.

"We're going home, Rapunzel," Mother Gothel commanded. "Now."

"You don't understand," Rapunzel said. "I've been on this incredible journey, and I've seen and learned so much! I even met someone."

"Yes. The wanted thief." Mother Gothel frowned with disgust.

"No, Mother, wait! I think he likes me."

"Likes you?" Mother Gothel said, scowling at Rapunzel. It was ridiculous for Rapunzel to think that this ruffian could be fond of her, the unworldly child! "This is why you should never have left!" Mother Gothel scoffed. "This whole romance that you've invented just proves that you're too na?ve to be here. Why would he like you, really?"

Mother Gothel was mocking her, trying to unravel the trust she had put in Flynn.

Rapunzel had heard Mother Gothel's scornful dismissals before. She had even accepted them. But she no longer believed them the way she used to. Mother Gothel had lied to her throughout her life. Rapunzel knew Flynn liked her. She knew she had made friends in the outside world. But at the same time, her doubts remained, tickling the back of her mind. Maybe — maybe Flynn was just trying to be honorable, to keep up his side of their deal.

"Come, come," Mother Gothel said. "You know that I'm right." She tossed the crown to Rapunzel. She challenged Rapunzel to give it to Flynn and find out what he really wanted.

Rapunzel began to wonder: If she gave the crown to Flynn, would he stop being nice to her? Would he leave her alone and run away with his prized crown?

"No," Rapunzel said firmly.

The firelight flashed across Mother Gothel's face as it filled with rage. Rapunzel was doubting her own mother.

"Don't say I didn't warn you. Show him this." Mother Gothel gestured toward the crown. "Then see how much he likes you!"

"I will!" Rapunzel said defiantly. But seeing her mother move to leave, Rapunzel called out, "Mother, wait!"

Mother Gothel simply turned her back and disappeared into the dark forest.

Rapunzel sat in silence. Minutes ticked by, and Flynn returned.

Flynn began talking to her lightheartedly, but Rapunzel hardly heard a word.

"Hey, you okay?" Flynn asked, returning from the woods.

Rapunzel turned around. "Sorry, yes," she told him. "I was just, uh, lost in thought, I guess."

Flynn began to tend the fire. "So, I have a question," he said, still intrigued by Rapunzel and her amazing gifts. "Will your hair work if you sing about anything? Like, I don't know, if you sang a song about cupcakes?"

Rapunzel didn't answer him. She just stared up at a knot in the tree where she'd hidden the crown and the satchel. She had believed in Mother Gothel her entire life. But now that she knew Flynn, she felt lost. It was impossible to believe in them both.

Meanwhile, the Stabbington brothers were hiding in the woods with Mother Gothel. They wanted to grab Flynn, the crown, and the girl with the golden hair right then and there. But Mother Gothel held them back. "Patience, boys," she whispered. "Trust me, it's all going exactly to plan."










“喜欢你?”高瑟妈妈沉下脸,对乐佩说道。真荒谬,乐佩竟然觉得这个恶棍喜欢她,真是不谙世故的孩子啊!“这就是为什么你不应该出去!”高瑟妈妈嘲弄道,“所有的浪漫都只是你的臆想,只能证明你太天真,不该在这儿。他为什么会喜欢 你呢?”

















