
A pair of honeymooners 蜜月新人

分类: 英语笑话 

A pair of honeymooners checked into the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D. C. That night, as the husband was about to turn off the light, his bride asked, "Do you think this room is bugged?"

"That was a long time ago, sweet-heart," he reassured her.

"But what if there's a microphone somewhere? I'd be so embarrassed."

So the groom searched under the tables and behind the pictures. Then he turned back the rug. Sure enoush, there was a funny-looking gizmo in the floor. He took out the screws, got rid of the hardware, and climbed into bed.

The next morning the newly weds were awakened by a hotel clerk who wanted to know if they had slept well. "We did," replied the groom. "Why do you ask?"

"It's rather unusual." The clerk answered, "Last night the couple in the room below yours had a chandelier fall on them."

有一对正在华盛顿度蜜月的新婚夫妇, 他们来到水门旅馆登记住宿。到了晚上,丈夫刚要熄灯,新娘子问道:“你觉得房间里会不会装有窃听器?”




第二天早上,这对新人被旅馆的工作人员的敲门声惊醒。工作人员问他们晚上睡得怎么样。 “很好啊,”新郎回答到,“为什么你要问这个问题呢?”

“这太奇怪了,”工作 人员说道,“昨天夜里,你们楼下那对夫妇被枝型吊灯砸了。”

