
reform of price mechanism 价格机制改革

分类: 趣味英语 


The National Development and Reform Commission has issued a guideline on strengthening the reform of its price mechanism to bring it in line with China's high-quality development during the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) period. By 2025, prices in competitive areas of business will be mainly determined by the market. The price mechanism for energy and natural resources will be further improved, and the price-control mechanism for commodities important for people's livelihoods will be improved, according to the guideline.


Efforts should be made to leverage China's potential and role as the world's largest market, clarify the strategic direction of supply-side structural reform, and consolidate the basic trend of steady economic growth with a sound momentum in the long term.



We have stated that we will let the market play the decisive role in allocating resources, let the government play its role better, and drive deeper reform in the economic system. On the whole we are making gradual and steady progress and have made breakthroughs in certain areas.


