

分类: 影视英语 

《肖申克的救赎》(The Shawshank Redemption)是一部非常让人难忘的电影。银行家安迪,在一个失意的深夜之后,被当作杀害妻子与情夫的凶手送上法庭,被判无期徒刑,住进了肖申克监狱。虽然监狱固若金汤,但是他未雨绸缪,永远坚定信念,利用自己的聪明才智越狱,并且还惩罚了监狱官等作恶的人。
肖申克的救赎:希望,让他追求自由真是一部感人的“基督山伯爵”。那句话最重要:“some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too bright.”(有的鸟是不会被关住的,因为它们的羽毛太美丽了!)竞学网影视英语频道推荐。

导演:弗兰克-达拉伯恩特(Frank Darabont)
编剧:斯蒂芬-金(Stephen King) 弗兰克-达拉伯恩特(Frank Darabont)
主演:蒂姆-罗宾斯(Tim Robbins) 摩根-弗里曼(Morgan Freeman)

Many of the most powerful stories are the soulful ones that teach us not to despair, not to be swamped by sorrow. They remind us that hope is a precious and buoyant emotion which can give our lives substance and meaning.

The Shawshank Redemption is based on a novella by Stephen King. Tim Robbins plays Andy, a banker who is sent to prison for the murder of his wife and her lover. The judge who sentences him finds him "a particularly remorseless and icy man." Andy's cool reserve and aloofness is not accepted well by the other inmates at Shawshank maximum-security prison in Maine.

He is raped by some angry men and given several long stretches in solitary confinement for his bad attitude.Luckily, Andy is befriended by Red, played by Morgan Freeman, the prison fixer. He is awed by this young man's quiet reserve and inward resolve to make the best of his bad situation.

Andy's accounting skills come in handy, and he begins doing the taxes for the guards and laundering money for the corrupt warden. This lands him the cushy job of librarian. Eventually, Andy wrangles money out of state officials to build the best prison library anywhere.

Writer and director Frank Darabont draws out strong and intense performances. Red sees hope as a dangerous thing that can drive a man insane, but Andy believes it is fuel that keeps one going against all odds. The Shawshank Redemption is a jubilant tribute to hope as an essential quality of soul.

There is a moment of grace.One day Andy slips into the main office. He locks the door and puts on a duet from Mozart's Marriage of Figaro. It wafts out over the loudspeaker into the prison yard. This beautiful music is like manna from heaven. The men stand in stillness, letting the sounds wash over them. In the lovely shock of beauty.

Note:soulful adj.热情的,深情的 
buoyant  adj.乐天的,指人的精神能从挫折中振作起来的
remorseless adj.无慈悲心的,无同情心的     aloofness n.冷漠,淡漠
launder v.洗钱   go against all odds 与险境做斗争   
jubilant  adj.欢喜的,欢欣的

