

分类: 趣味英语 

Today's Highlight in History:
On September ninth, 1956, Elvis Presley made the first of three appearances on "The Ed Sullivan Show."
On this date:
In 1776, the second Continental Congress made the term "United States" official, replacing "United Colonies."

In 1850, California became the 31st state of the union.

In 1919, most of Boston's 1500-man police force went on strike.

In 1926, the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) was created by the Radio Corporation of America.

In 1943, Allied forces landed at Salerno and Taranto during World War Two.

In 1948, the People's Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea) was created.

In 1957, President Eisenhower signed into law the first civil rights bill to pass Congress since Reconstruction.

In 1971, prisoners seized control of the maximum-security Attica Correctional Facility near Buffalo, New York, beginning a siege that ended up claiming 43 lives.

In 1976, Communist Chinese leader Mao Tse-tung died in Beijing at age 82.

In 1993, PLO leaders and Israel agreed to recognize each other, clearing the way for a peace accord.

Ten years ago: President Bush and Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev held a one-day summit in Helsinki, Finland, after which they joined in condemning Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Liberian President Samuel K. Doe was killed after being captured by rebels. Pete Sampras defeated Andre Agassi to win the US Open men's title.

Five years ago: Bosnian Serbs blamed UN forces for a shell that killed ten people at a Bosnian Serb hospital the day before. Amtrak's "Broadway Limited" service between New York and Chicago made its final run.

One year ago: Former Republican Senator John Danforth opened an independent inquiry into the 1993 siege of the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas. A massive explosion tore apart a Moscow apartment building, killing about a hundred people. Israel released 199 Palestinian security prisoners as part of a new peace deal. Baseball Hall-of-Fame pitcher Jim "Catfish" Hunter died in Hertford, North Carolina, at age 53. Actress Ruth Roman died in Laguna Beach, California, at age 75.

