
Better-Nevers 没有会更好派

分类: 趣味英语 
Speaking of the Internet, the Better-Nevers think that we would have been better off if the whole thing had never happened, that the world that is coming to an end is superior to the one that is taking its place, and that, at a minimum, books and magazines create private space for minds in ways that twenty-second bursts of information don’t.说到因特网,Better-Nevers(译为“没有会更好派”)认为如果这一切(即因特网、数字信息传播等)压根没有发生过的话,我们的生活会更好。他们认为正在走向没落的传统世界比正在大步跃进的数字世界要高级得多;至少,传统世界的书籍和杂志能为我们的大脑营造一个私有空间,而这是二十秒的信息爆炸所不能企及的。While some are proclaiming that a new order is upon us which will solve all our problems, the Better-Nevers fear on the contrary that civilization is declining faster than ever before.当一些人宣告一个新的时代已来临、所有问题都将解决的时候,“没有会更好派”却担心我们的文明正在以前所未有的速度消亡。

