
GHOSTS 二十几岁重压白发族

分类: 趣味英语 

GHOSTS is abbreviation for the term “Grey Haired Over Stressed Twenty Somethings”. Japanese research suggests that hair follicles are susceptible to the same sort of stresses that damage DNA.

GHOSTS是Grey Haired Over Stressed Twenty Somethings(二十几岁重压白发族)这一称呼的缩写形式,简称GHOSTS一族。日本有研究显示,对DNA有破坏作用的外力来源对毛囊也会产生不良影响。

This type of stress, known as oxidative stress, is caused by exposure to cigarette smoke, UV light and pollution. There is also an association between emotional stress and oxidative stress, which means that the GHOSTS blaming their grey hairs on stress might have a point.


According to a research by a haircare brand, increasing numbers of women under 30 are starting to grey. Twenty years ago, 18 percent of women under 30 were greying, that figure is now 32 percent.


