
designated drunk 替酒师

分类: 趣味英语 

Designated drunk refers to someone chosen by a group of friends who assumes responsibility for all drink offers given to the designated driver at a party. Designated driver is someone chosen by the friends to drive everyone home after the party, and that means this person cannot take any shots.

Designated drunk指一群朋友出去玩的时候指定一个人替最后开车送大家回家的人喝酒,可以称之为“替酒师”。那个派对结束后负责开车送大家回家的人叫designated driver,这就意味着派对期间这个人是不能喝酒的。

The designated drunk is usually chosen by the driver. The designated drunk will take all offers of toasts, shots, and drinking competitions in place of the driver.


