

分类: 影视英语 
角斗开始了,哈姆雷特在第一个回合中胜出,但是拒绝喝 Claudius佯作庆贺的酒。母亲Gertrude喝了结果中毒身亡。 Laertes 也成功地击伤了哈姆雷特Hamlet。Laertes也被自己的剑击中了,毒性发作,在弥留之际他向哈姆雷特说出Claudius 害了王后 。哈姆雷特用带毒的剑朝国王刺去,强迫他喝下剩下的毒酒。哈姆雷特报仇后也立即死了。
《哈姆雷特》后人原谅我留下的恶名此时,挪威王子Fortinbras侵略丹麦。Fortinbras 看到王室成员都倒在了地上非常震惊,他控制了丹麦。 Horatio把哈姆雷特的故事告诉他后,也自杀了。Fortinbras以烈士的身份安葬了哈姆雷特。这段对白发生在皇后误喝了准备让哈姆雷特喝的毒酒身亡,至整个王室的倾覆。
HORATIO :Both fencers are bleeding—how do you feel, my lord? 
OSRIC :How do you feel, Laertes? 
LAERTES :Like a mouse caught in my own trap, Osric. (he collapses) I've been killed by my own evil tricks. 
HAMLET :How's the queen? 
CLAUDIUS :She fainted at the sight of them bleeding. 
GERTRUDE:No, no, the drink, the drink! Oh, my dear Hamlet! The drink, the drink! I've been poisoned. (she dies) 
HAMLET :Oh, what evil! Lock the door. 
LAERTES :I'm the one, Hamlet. Hamlet, you're dead. No medicine in the world can cure you. You don't have more than half an hour to live. The treacherous weapon is right in your hand, sharp and dipped in poison. The foul plan backfired on me. Here I lie and will never get up again. Your mother's been poisoned. I can't speak anymore. The king, the king's to blame. 
HAMLET :The blade poisoned! Then get to work, poison! 
CLAUDIUS :Protect me, my friends. I've only been hurt, not killed. 
HAMLET :Here, you goddamn incest-breeding Danish murderer, drink this. Is your little pearl in there? Follow my mother. 
(HAMLET forces CLAUDIUS to drink. CLAUDIUS dies.) 
LAERTES :He got what he deserved. He mixed that poison himself. Please forgive me as I forgive you, Hamlet. You're not responsible for my death and my father's, and I'm not responsible for yours. (he dies) 
HAMLET:God will free you from blame. I'll follow you to heaven in a minute.—I'm dying, Horatio.—Goodbye, miserable queen.—And all you people watching, pale and trembling, speechless spectators of these acts, I could tell you a thing or two if I had the time (though this cruel officer, Death, doesn't allow much free time). Let it be.—Horatio, I'm dying. You're alive. Tell everyone what happened; set the story straight. 
HORATIO :Not for a second. I'm more like an ancient Roman than a corrupt modern Dane. Some of this liquor's still left in the goblet. (he picks up the poisoned cup to drink) 
HAMLET :Please, give me that goblet, if you love me. Let go of it! I'll get it from you, I swear. Oh God, Horatio, what a damaged reputation I'm leaving behind me, as no one knows the truth. If you ever loved me, then please postpone the sweet relief of death awhile, and stay in this harsh world long enough to tell my story. Notetreacherous adj.奸诈的     goblet n.高脚酒杯

