

分类: 影视英语 
本文是经典爱情电影听力系列The Lake House(湖边小屋,又叫“触不到的恋人”)的第八段对白听力。


Kate:May be we should introduce ourselves properly.

I'm a doctor, dedicated to curing the sick. At least, trying to.

Alex:I'm an architect. I like to build. And while I wouldn't say my current project is ideal. It allows me to be here, in this place, and that's enough for now. But tell me something. If you're working in a hospital in Chicago now where were you before, in my time?

Kate:Two years ago, in your time I was working in internal medicine in Madison.

Alex:Tell me about the future. What's it like in the year 2006?

Kate:I'm afraid the world's pretty much the same. Of course, we all dress in shiny metal jump suits and drive flying cars and no one talks anymore because we can read each other's minds. But the truth is, man from the past not much has really changed in 2006. Speaking of the past, though, I've been thinking about the paw prints. How is that possible?

Alex:Well, l think we have the same dog.

Kate:Oh, yeah? What's yours like? According to the vet, mine is eight years old in my time...six in yours. She's skinny, has sad eyes, snores, and sleeps like a person. I don't know why, but I call her Jack. 湖边小屋:原来他们养了同一只狗

Alex:Hello, Jack.


1. dedicate to:献身,致力于。Kate说自己作为一名医生,在努力地救助病人。

2. internal medicine:内科医学

3. pretty much:几乎,非常接近

4. jump suit:跳伞服,连身衣。

